Title: Something Tells Me
Pairing: Vossler/Basch
Written For:
cpt_azelas, prompt: "I totally thought dirty things"
Type: lol
Rating: PG-13
"What? Cheap."
"Now you're - hey, you get paid as much as I do, you know I can't - "
"Or your pants."
"Well, I only meant that you're not wearing your uniform pants, so it would be-"
"I thought dirty things."
"...I know you did."
"I didn't know this was strip poker."
"I'm trying to reach a compromise, Basch."
"It sounds like you're trying to talk me out of my clothes."
"If you don't like my terms, you can-"
"The gil or the pants?"
"I was talking about the gil, but if you're so fixed on my pants-"
"I never said anything about your pants."
"Something tells me we should just skip the poker."
"Something tells me your lips could be better occupied."
"Something te-"