16 Things Jim Kirk Is Allowed To Do In Private: a chronological list compiled by First Officer Spock

Jun 04, 2009 16:13

Title: 16 Things Jim Kirk Is Allowed To Do In Private: a chronological list compiled by First Officer Spock
Author: igrab
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,758
Notes: In relation to this fic, because someone asked for a list and I had way too much fun thinking about it. Also, jesuschrist fluff. I am full of sap.

16 Things Jim Kirk Is Allowed To Do In Private: a chronological list compiled by First Officer Spock
1- he is allowed to initiate a kiss on the mouth.

It was a sudden move - illogical and unpredictable, as it always was. He had gone to the captain's quarters without knowing what he was getting himself into, apparently, and while he had only expected to have a little companionship in his suddenly-empty evenings, he did not expect this.

2- he is allowed to utilize his mouth on most parts of the anatomy, the exception being places that would be unsanitary, for obvious reasons, within the confines of a sexual situation.

Incidentally, he also did not expect to like it. He also liked, to his great surprise, the way that Kirk kissed down his chest, wet human tongue leaving cold trails across his hot skin, and when he wrapped his lips around Spock's all-too-interested reproductive organs, he'd never imagined the kind of pleasure it sparked.

He did not, however, like it when Kirk continued down and around with apparent enthusiasm, to the fierce astonishment of his Vulcan lover. The stutters of 'decency' and 'cleanliness' were drowned out with Kirk's lips, and then tongue, and he was quite sure he was bright emerald everywhere but Kirk didn't seem to care.

As disastrously pleasurable as it was, he let him know in no uncertain terms that it would no longer be acceptable. He could not fathom the consequences of continuing to perform such an unsafe activity. He could tell that Kirk would try again, however, and he wasn't sure that he would put up much resistance.

3- he is allowed to use his hands on any part of the anatomy, with the assumption that the intention is to tease/arouse/please. a certain level of force is accepted and encouraged.

His hands were too good at this. Spock had a brief moment of wondering what kind of life he'd had, that made for such easy skill, but when his fingers were leaving cool green bruises and opening him up like he'd never imagined, he found the thought entirely chased from his mind.

4- he is allowed to initiate the act of sexual intercourse. he is allowed to assume either the giving or receiving position.

The second time, they switched positions. Spock was mildly surprised when Kirk agreed so readily to the submission, but when he saw the way his back arched and his mouth fell open and heard the wanton sounds falling from his lips, he understood. Pride was not the issue. Pleasure was. He was unnerved at how beautiful he found Kirk's abandon, and wondered, what it must look like, from the other's perspective - to see someone so closed off that their pleasure barely registers in their face, who bites his lips and clenches his hands to hold back the sounds of longing and desire that threaten to spill over. He makes a mental note, in the interest of experimentation, to attempt to be more open.

5- he is allowed to remain afterwards, to fulfill his own need for comfort and companionship, on the condition that he first cleanse himself of inevitable residue.

No, he'd said. You're sticky and sweaty and it's unpleasant. Your skin is not absorbent and it's repulsive.

Kirk was undaunted by the strong words he used, and had a lilting grin on his face as he looked up at his lover. It was the first time they'd done this late enough to segue naturally into sleep. What if I shower first?

Spock considered this. Logically, it made perfect sense. Very well, he said. Perhaps I will join. I also seem to be... less than immaculate.

6- he is allowed to make illogical statements during the act of intercourse.

I love it when you do that, he said, and Spock's only response was a halfhearted whimper for a moment there.

Do... what?

That, Kirk said, the grin on his face widening as his thrusts slowed and deepened. Let yourself go, like that.

Oh.... oh. Spock arched and clutched his fingers to Kirk's wrists, and when he might previously have bitten hard on his lip to choke back the moan, he let it go, flowing from his soul with the easy candor of breathing. He felt the vibrations of Kirk's shiver from the intimate point of connection in response, and it was one of the most erotic moments of his life.

That's... illogical, he panted, his lips curving up in a smile.

I know.

7- he is allowed to address his First Officer as 'Spock'.

Kirk had a tendency towards the informal, even on the bridge. Most of the crew felt comforted by this, but Spock had always felt that it created a lack of discipline, and vehemently insisted that the captain refer to him as 'Commander'. He had actually been slightly surprised when Kirk obeyed his order - he had not expected him to honor it - and reflected that, perhaps, the captain did respect him in a professional sense. It was quite a revelation.

He'd come to a realization, however, that the Captain had been quite lapse in this field, when it came to their ever-increasing personal time together. It was also quite a revelation that this particular First Officer did not mind.

8- he is allowed to complete his paperwork on the bed, on the condition that he is careful not to mark the bedspread. the illogical nature of this activity has been discussed, and was predictably inconclusive.

...What were we talking about again?

Spock had smiled, just a little. I was needlessly berating you for being illogical, as usual, he'd murmured, and it was gratifying to see the smile bloom on Jim Kirk's face. He was feeling more and more drawn to him, more and more drawn to that, to seeing that look on his face and knowing he was the one who put it there.

So I won, Kirk had said triumphantly with a widening grin.

Spock raised an eyebrow, and this time it actually meant 'Your smile is endearing to me'. He was quite sure that that particular meaning remained indecipherable to the Captain.

I very much doubt it.

9- he is allowed to initiate hand-to-shoulder contact, on the condition that he makes his intention visible prior to initial contact. he is allowed to retain this connection for as long as he wishes.

Spock had jumped almost a foot in the air, the first time he'd touched him that way.

What? Kirk had said, totally confused. I just touched you. Your shoulder, even. I didn't even -

Casual touches are taboo in my culture, Spock had murmured quickly on autopilot. I was not prepared for it.

Jim had laughed, his eyes lighting up. C'mon, Spock, I touch you all the time.

Spock was quite sure his ears had gone green. When we're having sex, yes. That is different.

How is that different?

And Spock had to think about that. How was that different? Was it all right for Kirk to touch him then, and not when they were seated side by side? It was, in fact, illogical. But the fact remained that Spock was not used to sudden touches.

It is... all right, he'd murmured then, his voice low and quiet. As long as you... do not startle me.

It was no longer quite so astonishing that Jim Kirk kept his word. It was, nevertheless, a pleasant surprise that this attention to detail went all the way down to the basics of everyday interaction.

10- he is allowed to comment verbally in a complimentary manner regarding whatever part of the anatomy he wishes to discuss, on the condition that his hyperbole will be ignored.

I love your ears. Kirk breathed in wonder and reached up, but Spock leaned his head away, still nervous and unwilling to let the Captain's fingers stray. They're all... pointy and curly and sexy.

They are simply ears. They do the function they are intended for. Spock was trying to concentrate on his work, but it was difficult when he had a bored captain on his hands.

They're exotic. The bed shifted, and Kirk moved behind him, causing the back of Spock's neck to tense unnecessarily. He only relaxed when the Captain appeared again on the other side, peering thoughtfully at him.

And your eyes, he continued, and this was when Spock decided to ignore him. You know what I love about your eyes? Even when the rest of you is all Vulcan stillness, and you're doing that eyebrow-raise thing and it could mean a billion different things and if I wasn't looking at your eyes, I'd have no clue what you were thinking, but then you look at me and... I can tell. He cocked his head, and Spock could feel the green flush rising in his cheeks, and he knew that Kirk could see it and dearly hoped he wasn't about to comment on it.

Yeah, your eyes are like an open book, and I'm just a novice in 'Spock' but I think I'm learning.

11- he is allowed to complete his paperwork with his head resting on his first officer's lap, provided that said first officer is close to a flat surface on which to logically continue to work.

Spock had thought it would be uncomfortable, to lie like this, back against the pillows with his papers spread over the bedside table. He'd thought it would be uncomfortable to be unable to move, his legs firmly anchored by the radiating cool press of the back of Kirk's neck, where he lay perpendicular across the bed. He knew that Kirk must have been uncomfortable, but for all the world he seemed to enjoy it immensely, and Spock's control over his telepathic abilities must have been lessening for he could feel the contentment radiating from his captain like a palpable aura.

And, he discovered, he was quite content himself.

12- he is allowed to speak of illogical, unimportant matters, on the condition that he does not expect and will not receive a response. he is not, however, allowed to attempt to produce musical sounds using his vocal chords. this activity will always result in his untimely expurgation from the first officer's quarters, or even his own.

But... this is my room! You can't kick me out of my own room!

Spock gave him one of his eyebrow raises that meant, in no uncertain terms, Clearly, I can.

The door was shut for only twenty-seven seconds before the captain's voice was heard again. Spock had not moved.

Spock, come on... let me back in, I promise I won't sing anymore...

He'd quirked an eyebrow and pressed the door open. This time, it meant, 'You're cute. Insufferable, but cute.'

13- he is allowed to attempt small phrases in Vulcan.


Spock's eyes had blown wide open, and he'd nearly dropped his PADD. Excuse me?

Am I pronouncing it right? Kirk looked up at him with wide blue eyes, completely innocent of what he'd just said.

Spock's throat tightened. No, he said shortly, for lack of anything to say that wouldn't give him away. His pronunciation was, surprisingly, not bad. Where did you hear that?

I've been reading some old history. I'm trying to learn but it's slow going, and I failed all four years in high school. What, what's it mean?

Spock looked down at him, unable to articulate what was going through his mind. He did not answer the question, and instead decided it was time for an impromptu lesson in Vulcan glottal stops. If he wanted to know, he could do the research himself at his own convenience, and he must have done so, for he didn't bring it up again.

Half of my heart, half of my soul.

14- he is allowed to touch his lips to the cheek, shoulder, hand, and ear, without the intention to arouse, on the condition that it may, in fact, have that effect anyway.

The first time Spock had let him touch his ears, they were lying in afterglow, and Kirk's hands strayed from his abdomen, to his chest, up the line of his neck, and before Spock had enough brain cells to protest, he was stroking along the line of his ears, delicately exploring. Spock had shuddered quietly, said nothing, and lose himself in the sensation.

The second time, Kirk's hand had been on his shoulder, and he was working in quiet appreciation of the touch - when suddenly, he realized that it wasn't his hand anymore, but his lips. He'd frozen stock still, his heart suddenly thudding painfully in his lower ribcage, as the lips drifted higher and pressed - chastely, yes - to the point of his ear.

He had shuddered.

I wasn't even trying to turn you on, that time, Kirk had said with a laugh when it became apparent that he had, in fact, done so.

Spock shook his head, still feeling tremors along his skin. He did not appreciate Kirk's lighthearted reaction to what he considered a serious manner, but when he leaned in and did it again - left his lips there, smiling, breathing with a quiet pressure, Spock relaxed to bonelessness against him, feeling liquid and wonderful and cherished. And that was definitely all right.

15- he is allowed to run his hands through his First Officer's hair.

Spock does not understand his Captain's fascination with his hair.

But then, there are a lot of things about Jim Kirk that Spock does not understand, and he accepts them. This is one of those things.

For once, their positions were reversed - Jim was sitting up against the headboard, sorting through data disks, and Spock - for once, he had no work to complete, and was quite content to sit back and meditate - was lying sideways over the bed, his head in Kirk's lap. He was idly reflecting that his initial assessment of this position was based purely on conjecture, not experience, and he should cease drawing conclusions that were not based on personal observation. Some things, particularly those related to the bounds of physical comfort, clearly did not follow a logical pattern.

His thoughts were rudely interrupted, by an unfamiliar touch. Fingers, in his hair. To his credit, he did not start - but he waited, curiously, to see what would happen next. After all, he'd decided to accept new experiences as he came across them, before judging.

The hand moved, and soon, a gentle stroking pattern became evident. Spock's eyes slid closed and he was finding it more and more difficult to form a coherent thought - and he found he did not care at all, in the slightest.

He drifted into the most relaxed slumber of his life.

16- he is allowed to utilize his fingers in a manner that will cause undue laughter, embarrassing sounds, and frequent lapses in physical control, provided that he does so with any and all breakable/delicate objects sufficiently out of reach. he is allowed to do so without the intention to arouse, on the condition that it may, in fact, have that effect anyway.

They fell into a breathless passion, and Kirk abused his new-found touch privileges to the maximum. His hands scritched unrelentingly at Spock's poor sensitive sides, and he jerked and made inappropriate noises and gasped and felt as if he were going to die.

Perhaps there was something about being in life or death situations with James T. Kirk. Whether on strange planets or locked in their private world, Spock knew he had someone he could rely on to protect him - even from himself, for when Spock had just about reached his limit, he smoothed his palm over the abused area, hiked up under his shirt, and Spock felt his air returning in a heady rush of passion.

He knew what he had with James Kirk, and he knew it was unbreakable.

rating: r, pairing: kirk/spock, fanfiction

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