this entry is full of bees!

Jun 03, 2011 09:42

Not really, but it's full of a lot of other things (I can assure you it's not what you're thinking, thanks) and it'd please me if you were patient while I sorted through it all enough to spit it out.

First and foremost, the happiest birthday ever needs go to my mum, who can celebrate knowing I appreciate her for everything she has done and continues to do, usually against anyone's better judgement. She brought me into this world, and while many might say she hasn't yet been punished enough for that, others have cause to assure them that in a whopping twist to the plot, I was the punishment after all. (Just kidding; we'll probably have cake.)

Also, the watching of DW will take place Saturday, 4 June, at 5PM EST. Anyone who wants to join in, may.

Now, I have a fairly personal question to ask the section of my flist who were once teenage boys: WHEN DOES IT STOP?

Little brother had me on wit's end this morning; I told him the hot water was still gone until the heater part is delivered, and he told me that if he couldn't wash his hair, he wasn't going to school. Suggested boiling water, was told a resounding no. I told him that I could easily set up a conference between himself and an upstanding member of the community - such as a police officer or a doctor - and he can listen to a lecture on the virtues of staying in school and the punishment for truancy instead of whatever he had planned this weekend, or he can suck it up and boil some water.

Poor RJ had to wash his hair with boiled water.

Still, there's the attitude and the boisterousness - mostly the attitude. So: when does it stop? The arrogance and selfishness? I'm prepared to deal with it as normal development if it doesn't last for years on end. If it does, I'll try home remedies. Like holding his head underwater, and if he survives, he's cured of being a teenager.

Reminds me. Hot water. If that situation isn't resolved soon, I will have words. Last time this happened, it was four days until we had hot water again, and I was nearing the end of what passes for limited patience as it goes. This time I may end up going to the manager's house and saying my piece. It is my firm belief that just because one lives in a "bad area" of the city, one does not have to act like it; I have struggled to bring every sort of dignity into living in this flat (plastic containers, cleanliness, sharp cutlery and a well-stocked tea cabinet go a long way), and it's rendered somewhat difficult if one can't, erm, clean his/herself easily.

We'll see how it works out.

SPEAKING OF TEA. I'm officially convinced that there is no saving this city from inevitable ruin. Not a single specialty store for fifty miles, last I checked, and while the supermarket does carry Twinings (small favours), it's all in bag form and I like loose leaf. Even in Southern Maryland there were loads of places where, if one desired, a nice earthy rooibos, yerba mate, or That One Earl Grey with Super Powers were available for sample. I guess Washington is married to coffee. (Not fair.) allotrios sent me whisky-flavoured tea from the Celtic festival - that was for my birthday. :) It's by the Edinburgh Tea & Coffee company if anyone's interested in checking it out, and astonishingly is the only loose leaf variety I have on hand at present. The whisky taste is a bit much for me in tea form; it overpowers the leaves to the point where I can't tell what kind of tea is in it. It's excellent with a bit of lowfat milk, though, or simply black if you want to fool yourself into thinking you're having a nightcap. The taste is that strong!

I'm compiling a list this month of teas to purchase online, though, so I have a better chance of combating daily tribulations. Thus far, I have the following:
- Hampstead Tea's Darjeeling
- Teavana's Assam Gold Rain
- Tea Ltd's Bohea Lapsang or Yunnan Gold
- Adagio's Chocolate Chip Ceylon
- ?

Suggestions? What's going to end up happening is I'm going to throw all these into my hotdog hat and draw one per month. So, there's no real urgency, just a tea lover asking the forum. (Note: As you can tell by the above selections, I'm more of a black tea person, so preferably one of those - unless it's gunpowder. I do love gunpowder.)

Anyway, again, if you want to watch Who tomorrow, I'm going to have the channel open (in my last post if you didn't catch it) at 2pm PST, 5pm EST, and 10pm GMT. Bring beer. ;)

family, b-day, washington, tea, doctor who, beer, caffeine, nerdery

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