May 22, 2011 15:35


I am so cross right now, I can't even think of things I'm too cross to do. Roman, you twit. You absolute twit. God, are we the laughingstocks now or what?,,10268~2364758,00.html

Chelsea Football Club can confirm that Carlo Ancelotti parted company with the club today (Sunday, 22 May).

The owner and board would like to thank Carlo for his contribution and achievements since taking over as manager in July 2009, which included winning the Double for the first time in the club's history.

However, this season's performances have fallen short of expectations and the club feels the time is right to make this change ahead of next season's preparations.

Carlo will always be welcome at Stamford Bridge, where he will be given the reception and respect his position in our history deserves.

Chelsea's long-term football objectives and ambitions remain unchanged and we will now be concentrating all our efforts on identifying a new manager.

There will be no further comment until that appointment is made.

What the everliving eff ... ? What kind of respect is that? He got us to second, which is a lot more than we would have expected last winter. I know we weren't exactly hot stuff the past few matches, but seriously? He actually expects this to help?

nm. I don't want this to turn into a profane entry, more than it already is.

Layout! :D :D :D The layout is coming along swimmingly - the black and green would've been too contrasting and unreadable, so there's a tad of white and blue in. I'll be making a second one for vote or switch, but it looks pretty clean as it stands - I just have to get rid of some things and figure out where the ads went. Aheh ...

I also must draw attention to this site, because blogs of this sort keep popping up and I find that I am utterly incomplete without them. (Warning: salty language in the URL.)

wtf, people are sharkbait, what's an outside?, news, chelsea fc, fancrack, doctor who

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