do not want + mandatory poll of death (THIS MEANS YOU)

May 19, 2011 11:50

Trying to get in with Mum's mates, and it comes with certain inconveniences. There's a bit of River City in with it which I could certainly do without: I received a text from Mum's old love interest saying that she was "too much" for him, but yeah, he'd love to date me. (Cue Ten: What?) I think I do very well maintaining my distance from single men, but for some reason, guys in the 40-60 age bracket tend to ignore that effort. (This is the third pursuit by an older man within the past six months.)

The advantage which lies within being asked to date these gentlemen so often is that I've learned how to express, in a very tactful and friendly way, that while the sentiment is flattering, I'm not interested. It's not that these men are unattractive or unintelligent - I'm just not ready for that sort of intimacy. (I had a boyfriend for a month, once, and I broke up with him because he wanted to kiss too much. That shows you about where I am in terms of romantic maturity.) I like being friends with guys, but that's about as far as it'll ever go.

Anyway, I got that whole situation resolved, and Mum and I were able to go downstairs and hang out for a while. We talked about stuff. :D

The main reason I'm posting today, though, is not to talk about my popularity with menfolk of the retired persuasion (although I find it incredibly surreal and could likely waste a whole entry on a psychological analysis of that absurdity, as I don't even find myself very attractive ;P). I'm working on a new layout for the wonderful, amazing Doctor Who forum known as Death by Aspirin (you should totes join. xD [/shameless]), and I wanted to gather input on what kind of colours and themes everyone was interested in these days so I can make it look as lovely as possible.

Giving that it's a Doctor Who forum, I was thinking something dark and futuristic, like a green + black vortex + hue-altered TARDIS as the bg image, then a lighter (maybe white + light green) forum so it wouldn't be dark enough to hurt one's eyes when they're trying to post. I'm going to put up a poll here to gather info, perhaps enough to throw it together and make THE BEST LAYOUT EVAR. ;) Choices are fonts, colours, sidebar locations, and bg images. There will also be an "other" option so opinions may be expressed in the comment section.

Poll So, what features would be in the ideal layout?

Thanks for your help!

zomg, work, fancrack, nerdery, doctor who

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