everything is awesome

Jun 09, 2011 04:52

(edited, I suppose, for actual content)

Sorry. Just getting the hang of this LJ thing for iPad. Portrait website viewing is obviously not for those of the glasses-wearing persuasion (such as myself), and since I have to use portrait when I have the keyboard dock attached, well. Let's search for an app!

Anyway, I'm just posting to maintain activity. And also I wanted to tell you that RJ and I reorganised the front half of the apartment completely (trying to make it look and feel less dodgy, sometimes succeeding) aaaand orz. I'm utterly wiped out. On the plus side, I was also very domestic and ended up making scones (they were white chocolate and blueberry this time - do you know how expensive dried blueberries are?! You'll pay more for a pound of them than you would a full ounce of silver!). I also had the fortune of finding a lavender rooibos this morning, and it got me through until one-ish. When my cup was empty, I decided to go home. Because no one wants to see me cranky. Although by that point, it was spattering enormous raindrops on the windscreen, so I would've been all right, I think. :)

Oh oh! There was one more thing I wanted to write about. I went to RJ's high school to get his summer school forms (though I have no idea why he couldn't retrieve them himself whilst at school ... anyway), and I came across THIS:


Sorry, it just seemed ... commanding, and somewhat sinister what with the hanging parenthesis. I know, it's an emoticon - but you can't really tell, can you? ;)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

family, rain, tea, fancrack, via ljapp, doctor who

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