Title: Breaking Words: 1016 Characters: Havoc, Lust, Envy Rating: Edging just shy of NC-17 I believe Warnings: Mind-fuck, abuse Notes: A little Manga AU here, just for the holiday.
Title: Freewheeling Characters: Envy and Wrath Rating: PG-13ish? Words: 1045 Spoilers: Yes, definitely for Wrath. Notes: Anime based people, I mean the little brat here. Er... Envy style note too it seems.
Title: Dusty toy-box Characters: Envy Rating: Perfectly worksafe Spoilers: Not really, no Notes: We finally resume the saga of young Envy… perhaps one of these days I’ll make these things their own section.
Title: Loses Arc: Twisted Footsteps Pairing: Envy/Roy Rating: G Note: It's continuing, though I've figured out it'll not quite follow the manga in any set way after the spoiler point.
Title: Game Arc: Twisted Footsteps Pairing: Envy/Roy Rating: G Note: Yes, I know! This bunny just hit me, and I mean an entire series of ficbits that aren't connected enough to really be called chapters. I promise I'll update Compass this weekend though Velvet_mace so don't worry!
Title: Of Tricks Notes: This is yours nekokenchan!! ::rechecks letter:: gah I did the wrong name in a prior post didn't I? ::goes to fix it:: Characters: Greed and Envy, with the requested background of the Gate