Just hung out with facklemuffin. I forced made him watch some Loveless with me. AS EXPECTED, his favorite character was Yuiko...I had a feeling! XD So we originally were going to Block Island today but that was rescheduled for this Friday (or maybe we'll just go to the beach? Yey beaches!). O VIOLENT TORRENT! *
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LATELY I've been watching medical dramus like House (crazy psycho old men are funny) and Grey's Anatomy (interns are stupidly funny) shutup. They're awesomely awesome. I also now am in posession of GA scrubs. >__>;;; ThankyouverymuchAlexander'sUniforms. LET ME TELL YOU THEY ARE THE MOST AMAZINGLY SOFT PAIR OF
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My job is...interesting. I'm learning a lot. It's like my second family - well, I'm not personal with them yet but will be in time - they're very informal and understanding and that's awesome. ^^ Lesse if I can get some down.... o-o
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I need to start venting, apparently. I've got bad chi or something. Augh. I haven't had time for ANYTHING though. Seriously, it's work work, break, work work, attempt to sleep, go to school, work.sdljhnkjHSJsd
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Hmm. I've got highlights now, nothing too drastic or dynamic. ;p They look OK. I also dropped off some pants that needed to be hemmed. Jeez, my jeans genes are annoying at times like these
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