Jan 01, 2009 10:38
*breathes a sigh of relief* I got through it. Now's for time to reflect a bit, I guess.
So! I finished Apollo Justice last night. It ended quite well, actually. Everything tied in nicely. I have to admit, Kristoph is my favorite character...even though he's mighty evil and he gets extremely BEASTY in the last trial, hehehe. I dunno, maybe I just like seeing calm and collected men losing their cool*. >->
* = referring to Jade Curtiss, and the like. XD
So! Semester grades! I finally got my grades back for Fall 2008. Here they are:
BIO 102 Plant Biology A, CHM101 General Chemistry I- C+, BIO121 Human Anatomy- B+, CHM102- Chemistry Lab- B+
I'm pleased with these grades, I guess. MIND YOU I WORK EVERY FREAKING DAY so I don't have all the time in the world to study, ha. But I know I worked hard last semester, especially with Chemistry because the class was quite difficult (I SUCK AT MATH, there was no scaling at all - all grades based on hand written answers for all my 3 exams). The Chemistry department at URI is notorious for failing/having a failing average for their classes (but they do nothing about it, argh). RECAP: these classes I took are hard, they are the REAL THING (not some intro class), they're not scaled, and they have a high fail rate - but I proved that wrong. BLAHHH!!! Sooooo... I'm happy! In Anatomy, there was a 50% pass rate. The first day of class, the Professor was all "look to the person to your side - one of you is going to fail. Who will it be?" Hmph. I love how URI professors love to build academic enthusiasm. Hah. u_u;;
Moving onward...I basically have my schedule for next semester picked out. Here it is:
CHM112 - General Chemistry II
MIC201 - Medical Microbiology
EDC102 - Intro to American Education (mandatory class...wtf?)
PHL103 - Intro to Philosophy (just an elective to fill my Social Science requirement)
Derp. I know intro classes are an easy A, so at least it will help cushion whatever grade I'll be getting in Chem. Of course, I'm shooting for an A in micro, too. Hehehe... the only book I needed to buy was for my Philosophy class. So I got in cheap. :B Speaking of money - this winter break I need to bring my schedule to Human Resources at my work. If I bring them my schedule, and pay out of my own pocket for school, they will reimburse me (mind you: I have to be working there at least 6 months beforehand, which I am now)! Isn't that just grand?? Well, provided that I get a C or higher in each of the classes...which I'm planning to do (rather have A's and B's). ^_^
So yeah!!! Finally: last night there was a snowstorm, again, it wasn't as big as last time but I did manage to snap some photos from this morning for you all. 8D! I'll be posting them...later... it seems.
Mind you, I had [my dad, actually; he persisted to drive me] to drive home from work last night in horrible, unplowed streets, in the blistering cold snow...hee. But I got home in one piece! Yay!
My new years resolution? Do I have one?? Umm... reduce stress as much as possible for myself? ^_^;;;; I guess. Since I always get so nasty and stressed during the semester, blah... I just need to put aside "me time" every day. Perhaps, meditate or do more yoga than I am now.
Yoga... ah, yes, I started that last year, and I'm glad. I really like that class, it helps me calm down. Admittedly, I only do it once a week because that's the best time for my schedule (I'm always busy during the week with both school and working evenings). !!!!! Noticeably my blood pressure has dropped from 110/70 to 100/60. I suppose that's a good thing. Though no one really considers LOW blood pressure to be a health problem ... low is when diastole (ex: 100/59) is BELOW 60;;;; which I hope I don't do. It's not very common, as opposed to the more likely suspect of HIGH blood pressure. Anyway, low blood pressure would explain my inability to keep warm during the winter, though. Hm. Maybe it also has to do with numb feet? I don't know. Maybe my skeletal muscle pump isn't working right. :P THOUGH, HAPPILY, I haven't had many instances this winter with numb feet. 8D Yey.
Today I have the day off from work.What shall I do with myself? I guess I can clean or something... hit the gym... play a game. ;;;; It kind of feels weird, because I'm always working. @@;;;
college smellz,