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Comments 255

rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 15:03:41 UTC
Michael didn't catch Earth germs, ever, and his body temperature was higher than the human norm. Thus, he scoffed at puny Earth snow and hadn't bothered to wrap up warm.

A perfect target, no?


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:05:43 UTC
Ino spotted him and grinned. Totally a perfect target.

And look! There went a snowball flying at him!


rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 15:10:24 UTC
He wasn't paying attention and caught it full in the face.

This may have been the first time he'd ever seen actual snow.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:13:58 UTC
... Score!

Ino burst into giggles and lobbed another at him just to see what he’d do.


misshargrove January 11 2008, 15:14:24 UTC
Yes, she was getting sick. It really didn't matter right now because SNOW! Annett saw it blanketing the ground when she looked out her bedroom window this morning. She'd just double up on the NyQuil later.

So, hands shoved in her coat pockets, she was wandering outside, looking for the perfect place to make snow angels.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:15:52 UTC
And there would be Ino gleefully lobbing a snowball at Annette with a cheerful, "Morning!"


misshargrove January 11 2008, 15:20:31 UTC
"Oooomf!" The snowball smacked her in the forehead.

Oh. This was so on! She recognized that Morning! and Annette ducked quickly behind a bush.

"Good morning to you, Ino!" she said and bent to her knees, getting together some quickly made snowballs.

"How are you?" Peeking over the bush, she lobbed one towards Ino, hoping for smacking-success!


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:24:48 UTC
"This morning?" Ino asked, as Annette's snowball hit her on the shoulder sending her into a round of giggles, "Absolutely fantastic!" She flung another snowball at Annette.

Yeah, yeah, Ino wasn't trying very hard to dodge. What was the fun in that?


redintraining January 11 2008, 15:15:32 UTC
Sky had been astonished to look out his window upon getting up to see that snow was blanketing everything he saw. Having grown up in California and spending the last 3 years in space, he had never even seen it before. He had heard it was quite fun, but didn't really understand what the point of it was. Fluffy cold white stuff was only good when it was mixed with grape flavoring. Yes. Thankfully, he had thought to get and pack some warm clothing before coming here, and now decided to bundle up, cautiously step outside, and explore.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:16:36 UTC
Well, he could explore a snowball right?

Ino gleefully lobbed one at him.


redintraining January 11 2008, 15:19:15 UTC
Sky didn't even realize the snowball was headed toward him before it impacted, of course catching him right in the face. He indignantly brushed it off and looked around.

"Hey! Who threw that?" he demanded grumpily.

[OOC: Going to shower now, will be delayed. But feel free to keep throwing snowballs at the poor boy. He's never seen it, after all.]


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:21:09 UTC
Ino's laughter rang out and she lobbed another at him. This was so much fun!


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 16:00:10 UTC
Even though Washington State was more likely to see snow than California was, Silver Hills had never gotten any of the fluffy white stuff in the year Jen had spent there; thirty-first century weather engineering had meant Millennium City never saw any snow either.

So this was a first for Jen, who knew about snow and had seen it on TV, but had never experienced it in person.

The black collar, cuffs, and piping of her white uniform jumpsuit (still the only clothing she had) were about the only thing keeping her from blending into the snow from the neck down, and she was far too busy staring up into the sky in a curiously disarmed state of wonder to notice if anything was flying her way.

There were snowflakes. Falling from the sky (as opposed to falling from Sky). She wished Wes and her friends could have been here to see it, but still, a first snowfall? Completely outweighed the urge to mope.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:06:07 UTC
Ino, pretty snow covered herself, gleefully flung a snowball at the new person.


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 16:53:07 UTC
Jen was still staring up at the falling snowflakes, so the snowball got her right in the back of her head and a good chunk of it broke off and fell down the back of her collar.

She yelped and spun around, hands up in a fighting stance before she took in the obvious glee on Ino's face and backed down.

"Sorry," she said quickly.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:55:21 UTC
Ino had bounced back quickly from the fighting stance, but was still pretty gleeful. "Not a problem unless you hit!" She said, flinging another snowball at her.


death_of_hope January 11 2008, 16:33:58 UTC
Snow. Real, actual, snow.

Anemone grabbed her jacket and was out the door in a flash, Gulliver pattering along behind her. SNOW!


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:35:56 UTC
And there was a real, actual, snowball being flung in her direction! Accompanied by gleeful laughter, of course.


death_of_hope January 11 2008, 16:40:30 UTC
The laughter was a good tip-off, but Anemone didn't move fast enough, and the snowball caught her solidly in the back. "Hey!"

Grinning, she set about scooping up snow as she scanned for her assailant. This meant war!


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:42:20 UTC
She might notice a snow-covered Ino, giggling and tossing another snowball.


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