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time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 16:00:10 UTC
Even though Washington State was more likely to see snow than California was, Silver Hills had never gotten any of the fluffy white stuff in the year Jen had spent there; thirty-first century weather engineering had meant Millennium City never saw any snow either.

So this was a first for Jen, who knew about snow and had seen it on TV, but had never experienced it in person.

The black collar, cuffs, and piping of her white uniform jumpsuit (still the only clothing she had) were about the only thing keeping her from blending into the snow from the neck down, and she was far too busy staring up into the sky in a curiously disarmed state of wonder to notice if anything was flying her way.

There were snowflakes. Falling from the sky (as opposed to falling from Sky). She wished Wes and her friends could have been here to see it, but still, a first snowfall? Completely outweighed the urge to mope.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:06:07 UTC
Ino, pretty snow covered herself, gleefully flung a snowball at the new person.


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 16:53:07 UTC
Jen was still staring up at the falling snowflakes, so the snowball got her right in the back of her head and a good chunk of it broke off and fell down the back of her collar.

She yelped and spun around, hands up in a fighting stance before she took in the obvious glee on Ino's face and backed down.

"Sorry," she said quickly.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:55:21 UTC
Ino had bounced back quickly from the fighting stance, but was still pretty gleeful. "Not a problem unless you hit!" She said, flinging another snowball at her.


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 17:08:12 UTC
"How about if I hit with snowballs?" Jen asked as she bent to scoop up a handful -- wow, that was cold, who knew? "Is that a problem too?"


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 17:10:47 UTC
"It might be, if you'd have a problem with getting return fire." Ino grinned, tossing a snowball from hand to hand. "Don't think so much about it! It's just fun!"


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 17:18:24 UTC
"Fun, huh?" A tiny smile was beginning to form at the corners of Jen's mouth. She could do fun. She knew how to do that, thanks in no small part to Wes. She hastily formed the snow in her hands into a sloppy snowball and lobbed it back at Ino.

. . . only to watch it fall apart mid-flight. Maybe not even the 'mid' part of mid-flight. Possibly quarter-flight. Nowhere in her past experience was there anything about properly packing snowballs.

"Let's try that again . . ."

She was totally an open target for another snowball while she scooped up more snow.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 17:20:31 UTC
And Ino was so not above taking advantage of an opening like that. She flung two snowballs in quick succession, laughing brightly.


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 17:29:32 UTC
The first one got Jen in the shoulder, and in flinching when some of the snow kicked up into her ear, she managed to put herself right in line to take the second snowball in the mouth.

Okay, in between Ino's infectious laughter and the sheer undeniable fun of all this, Jen was actually laughing out loud as she tried to throw her second attempt at a snowball while falling backwards into a drift. Hey, at least this one didn't break apart in the air. Whether or not it flew accurately was a completely different story.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 17:34:01 UTC
It hit her in the arm, and Ino couldn't help but laugh again as she bounced over to see if the girl felt like getting out of the drift. "Mmmm." Ino said, grinning at her, "I wonder if I should just dump snow on you..?"


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 17:58:56 UTC
In her attempts to get out of the drift and swat a clump of loose snow in Ino's direction at the same time, Jen was inadvertently making a snow angel of sorts. "Is that part of the whole fun experience?"


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 18:08:32 UTC
"Yes!" Ino told her cheerfully. Of course, Ino was hardly one to talk with the amount of snow on her already. "And I'm Ino, by the way. Need a hand?"


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 19:11:06 UTC
"I think . . ." Jen flailed a bit more, experimentally. "I think I'm actually okay, for the moment."

She brushed a bit of snow off her nose and gave Ino a wry grin. "I'm Jen. Can you tell I've never seen snow before?"

[[*finally beats computer into submission long enough to take a ping, augh*]]


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 23:42:11 UTC
"Isn't it great?" Ino asked, "It's way rare from where I live so this is exciting!"


time_flyer_5 January 11 2008, 23:50:58 UTC
"This is something I've heard about but never actually seen before." Jen sat up, finally, but started using her hands to stack snow around her in a sort of impromptu bunker. Ruefully, she added, "I guess I didn't quite expect it to be so wet."


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 23:57:14 UTC
"You're the second person who has told me that today!" She said, bouncing from foot to foot. "It's frozen water though, so I'm not sure why you wouldn't think it's wet."


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