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redintraining January 11 2008, 15:15:32 UTC
Sky had been astonished to look out his window upon getting up to see that snow was blanketing everything he saw. Having grown up in California and spending the last 3 years in space, he had never even seen it before. He had heard it was quite fun, but didn't really understand what the point of it was. Fluffy cold white stuff was only good when it was mixed with grape flavoring. Yes. Thankfully, he had thought to get and pack some warm clothing before coming here, and now decided to bundle up, cautiously step outside, and explore.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:16:36 UTC
Well, he could explore a snowball right?

Ino gleefully lobbed one at him.


redintraining January 11 2008, 15:19:15 UTC
Sky didn't even realize the snowball was headed toward him before it impacted, of course catching him right in the face. He indignantly brushed it off and looked around.

"Hey! Who threw that?" he demanded grumpily.

[OOC: Going to shower now, will be delayed. But feel free to keep throwing snowballs at the poor boy. He's never seen it, after all.]


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:21:09 UTC
Ino's laughter rang out and she lobbed another at him. This was so much fun!


redintraining January 11 2008, 15:53:28 UTC
This time, Sky saw it coming and tried to throw up a force field, but it was too fast; instead he rather clumsily dodged (taking the hit on his shoulder instead) and looked at Ino, scowling a little.

"Stop that," he said. "Is this all snow is good for? Throwing at people?"


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:54:58 UTC
"It's totally a lot of fun," Ino told him grinning, lobbing another his way, "you should try it."


redintraining January 11 2008, 16:01:18 UTC
This time, Sky was prepared; his right forearm glowed with red energy, and he waved it in a circle, making a shield appear in front of him, which harmlessly deflected the snowball.

"I don't see what the fun is in getting all wet and cold," Sky said. "It seems a little immature. Isn't there anything else to do besides throw it at one another?"


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:07:24 UTC
"That is so cool," Ino said, flinging another at him to see if he'd do it again. "Who cares if it's immature?" She asked, "It's snow."


redintraining January 11 2008, 16:11:18 UTC
Sky blocked this one, too, then bent down to rather awkwardly scoop up a little snow in his mittens.

"I'm... not used to people thinking my powers are cool," he said, thinking of Teddy's fanboyish reaction not too long ago. He then cleared his throat. "Still. I can think of things I would much rather do than... throw stuff at other people." Of course Sky wasn't going to admit that the snow fascinated him and almost made him feel... ... playful. Even after a week at Fandom, that was a little much for him.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:18:09 UTC
"So very cool," Ino assured him, bouncing a snowball in her hands, "most people here are going to think that. Alright then, what would you be doing right now? Is it more fun than this?" She tossed her snowball at him.


redintraining January 11 2008, 16:23:10 UTC
Since Sky was distracted and bent over, this snowball managed to go SPLAT on top of his head. He looked up, glaring daggers at Ino.

"Depends on your definition of 'fun'," he said, standing up and brushing snow out of his hair. "Of course, since I don't have class today, my options are a little limited. ... I guess I'm still going to get cold and wet enough by walking around in the snow, though." As he spoke, he finally gave in and threw the snowball he'd been molding at Ino.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:31:12 UTC
She giggled, glad to see he was getting into the spirit of things. The snowball hit her on the shoulder and she beamed. "I don't have class either! That's why I'm out here! That's the spirit!" Ino encouraged him. "Try another!"

Yes, this was said with her scooping up more snow.


redintraining January 11 2008, 16:36:55 UTC
"... I still think this is horribly immature," Sky mumbled. "Probably against a rule or regulation of some sort. And if it isn't, it should be." Why, yes, he was making excuses. He normally considered himself to be above such childishness.

This, of course, did not stop him from chucking another snowball at Ino, then straighten up and cross his arms, trying to look all mature and stuff.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:43:22 UTC
Ino's next snowball was aimed for his face. "It's school," she said, "you can't ban snowball fights!"


redintraining January 11 2008, 16:47:48 UTC
"... I'd say that you've obviously never attended a police academy, but we don't have snow where I grew up. Or where I trained in outer space," Sky conceded, then was silenced with a SPLAT on his face. "Hey!" He started making more snowballs, but he was rather slow with it. It didn't help that he wasn't used to the cold, either, and it was making him feel numb and clumsy.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:58:51 UTC
"I've attended a ninja academy!" Ino objected, watching him and thinking it was adorable how slow he was with it. "And they never tried to ban snow fights."

Possibly because they didn't get snow often enough to have that be a big deal.


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