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rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 15:03:41 UTC
Michael didn't catch Earth germs, ever, and his body temperature was higher than the human norm. Thus, he scoffed at puny Earth snow and hadn't bothered to wrap up warm.

A perfect target, no?


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:05:43 UTC
Ino spotted him and grinned. Totally a perfect target.

And look! There went a snowball flying at him!


rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 15:10:24 UTC
He wasn't paying attention and caught it full in the face.

This may have been the first time he'd ever seen actual snow.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:13:58 UTC
... Score!

Ino burst into giggles and lobbed another at him just to see what he’d do.


rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 15:17:01 UTC
Splutter, turned out to be the answer. Followed by scrape snow off his face and shoulder, look around for the culprit, grin, and lob it right back at her.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:19:08 UTC
She danced to the side, the snowball just grazing her arm. "Morning!" She all but chirped, while sending another one at him.


rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 15:31:06 UTC
"Oh, no fair!" he returned, laughing and gathering up another snowball. "And morning to you too."


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:33:46 UTC
"All's fair in love and war!" Ino told him, beaming, "And this is totally a day for a snowball war!"


rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 15:39:24 UTC
"You want a war, Ino?" he told her, ducking down, "you got one. And I cheat."

As he proved by charging her with two double-handfuls of snow.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:46:15 UTC
Her answering shriek was mingled with her laughter, as she danced back but still giving him a chance to get her, "Don't you dare!"


rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 15:52:15 UTC
"Try and stop me", he challenged, joining the laughter, and then caught up to her and put snow down her neck. But not too much - the rest just got dropped on her.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:57:01 UTC
She shrieked and squirmed, giggling madly. "So mean!" Ino stuck her tongue out at him, and shoved at him, trying to knock him down.


rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 16:02:31 UTC
He was taller and heavier (or so the mun believes) so that normally wouldn't have worked.

However, he was standing on slippery snow. Result, he did end up falling, still holding onto Ino.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:09:15 UTC
Ino flailed at him, her eighty-five pounds so not enough to give her any leverage to keep standing, "Don't bring me down with you! Michael!" The giggling was a good sign that she didn't really mind though.


rebelheartalien January 11 2008, 16:18:45 UTC
"You knock me over in the snow, you deserve what you get", he said heartlessly, though he was careful to make sure he landed first.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:21:52 UTC
This had her landing half on him, and Ino grinned down at him. "But now you're at my mercy." She said, and cheerfully dumped snow on his face.


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