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misshargrove January 11 2008, 15:14:24 UTC
Yes, she was getting sick. It really didn't matter right now because SNOW! Annett saw it blanketing the ground when she looked out her bedroom window this morning. She'd just double up on the NyQuil later.

So, hands shoved in her coat pockets, she was wandering outside, looking for the perfect place to make snow angels.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:15:52 UTC
And there would be Ino gleefully lobbing a snowball at Annette with a cheerful, "Morning!"


misshargrove January 11 2008, 15:20:31 UTC
"Oooomf!" The snowball smacked her in the forehead.

Oh. This was so on! She recognized that Morning! and Annette ducked quickly behind a bush.

"Good morning to you, Ino!" she said and bent to her knees, getting together some quickly made snowballs.

"How are you?" Peeking over the bush, she lobbed one towards Ino, hoping for smacking-success!


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:24:48 UTC
"This morning?" Ino asked, as Annette's snowball hit her on the shoulder sending her into a round of giggles, "Absolutely fantastic!" She flung another snowball at Annette.

Yeah, yeah, Ino wasn't trying very hard to dodge. What was the fun in that?


misshargrove January 11 2008, 15:32:17 UTC
Her snowball just barely brushed her shoulder and Annette lobbed two more, quickly at Ino. "Me too!" Even though she felt like the beginning of death.

"I rule at snowball fights! I think you should know that!" Giggling, Annette bent over and started making a pile of them, willing to get anyone who came by. This so reminded her of her field trip and the snowball fight with Mr. Phale and Tori and so many others. Oooh, that had been so much fun!


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:36:57 UTC
"I've got ninja training!" Ino said, dodging one snowball and the other hitting her solidly on the arm. "That gives me an edge!" She let fly with another, ducking behind a bush.


misshargrove January 11 2008, 15:45:13 UTC
"I've got... snowball training!" She laughed. "There are rules of... engagement here!" Ino's snowball plopped on Annette's head and it ran cold and wet down the back of her coat. "Oooh!"

Scooping up an armful of snowballs, Annette moved from behind her bush and slowly began to creep forward, throwing one at a time where she thought Ino was hiding.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 15:48:35 UTC
"Nuh huh!" Ino said, inching along behind her bush, trying to avoid Annette's snowballs, "There's no rules in war!"


misshargrove January 11 2008, 15:59:44 UTC
Annette giggled wickedly. "Sure there are! Just no one ever obey's them!"

Suddenly she pounced behind Ino's bush, her intent to dump the rest of her snowballs on Ino's head, and down her coat, and just everywhere she could get.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:05:10 UTC
It was probably a good thing that Ino would be able to pout and whine at Kabuto to heal her if she got sick. Because Ino was certainly getting a lot of snow dumped on her today.

Still, she wasn't going to make it easy for Annette and while spluttering and shaking her head to get it out of her eyes, Ino snaked out with one arm and reached to grab Annette's ankle and knock her over. While giggling madly.

"Then there's no point in having any in the first place!"


misshargrove January 11 2008, 16:11:49 UTC
Poor poor Ino. But yay for healing! And a good reason to see Kabuto!

"Aaaaaa!" Annette was completely taken off guard, and totally didn't see that coming from Ino. She landed smack back on her rear and back, sprawling in the snow and staring up at the sky.

It took a moment for the giggles to come, but when they did? She lurched up and went to tackle Ino to the ground. "Ah-Hah!"


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:15:55 UTC
It was always good to have an excuse to see him, yes.

Ino's answering shriek was loud but mingled with laughter as Annette sent her falling to the ground. Her response? To grab a handful of snow and dump it down the back of Annette's coat.


misshargrove January 11 2008, 16:31:15 UTC
"OMIGOD," she shriked and wiggled. "That is sooo freaking cold!" But in the game of snow war, one couldn't just quit because they got a little damp, oh no. Annette moved to pounce on Ino, bringing handfuls of snow with her. "You look so pretty in white!"


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:34:51 UTC
Ino gasped and spluttered, "You'd look prettier!" She said, bringing a handful of her own up at Annette.

And really, if Ino had been supposed to quit after getting a little damp? She'd have been long gone by now. So not happening.


misshargrove January 11 2008, 16:38:05 UTC
Annette got a mouthful and she fell backwards, again in the snow, giggling and sputtering and wiping snow from her face. "This is the best ever!"

She was beginning to shiver though and seriously not feeling all that great, but snow angels!

"Come on, Ino! Help me make snow angels!" And Annette raised her arms, spread her legs, and began to do just that.


flowering_mind January 11 2008, 16:45:23 UTC
"Ooooh!" Ino was up for that, yes. Ino was up for anything involving snow today. She fell over backwards and started a snow angel of her own. "It should snow more back home," Ino said, "it doesn't happen enough."


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