2019 fic recap

Jan 02, 2020 10:21

Second: Yay! Cross-posting is fixed!

Not gonna lie.. I still haven't figured out how to hotlink users on DW. ANYWAY, laurapalmer/inabsentialuci posted a year in fic-wrap, and I got curious.

Number of fics written & finished in 2019: 19
Amount of fests/exchanges successfully participated in: 0/2 ((most of them were landcomm entries))
Number of still-unrevealed fics: 0 ((I don't understand the question?))
Amount of different fandoms: 6
Number of fics by fandom: Star Trek - 9 | Agent Carter - 1 | Tin Man - 6 | Arrowverse - 1 | Remember WENN - 1 | Supernatural - 1
Most Popular Pairing: Wyatt/Adora (Tin Man)

Total Word Count: 9486

Fics, Fandom-Sorted:
Just a Little Crush LJ / Ao3 | Chakotay&Naomi | G | 181 words | for starfleet-hq
Signs of affection aren't always wine and roses

Splash and Burn LJ | pre-Perry/Porter (OCs)| G | 300 words | for starfleet-hq/ussauroraborealis
Sometimes you have to make a splash to be seen...

Flowers LJ / Ao3 | Janeway | G | 434 words | for starfleet-hq
She gets flowers every year, but doesn't know why

Pediatric Protocol LJ / Ao3 | Janeway,Paris,Doctor | G | 551 words | for starfleet-hq
Tom changed the Doctor's code, to make Sickbay visits easier on Naomi, but something backfired.

Baby on the Bridge LJ / Ao3 | Chakotay,Naomi,Paris,Tuvok, Samantha,Janeway | G | 1049 words | for fictober 2019
In order to let Samantha get some sleep, Chakotay offers to babysit

"No, and that's final." DW | Marty,Kurt,Norah (OCs) | G | 337 words | for fictober 2019
[general family squabble with a teenager stuck on a starship] RP journal entry

"Can you stay?" DW | Perry/Porter (OCs) | PG | 412 words | for fictober 2019
[she needs to get home before anyone sees she's not in her quarters] RP journal entry

Boxing Day LJ | Chakotay&Naomi | G | 100 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
He's up to something and she's curious

A Qualified Negotiator LJ / Ao3 | Voyager bridge crew | G | 722 words | n/a
An incident on the Holodeck has a shocking repercussion... that just might save the day

Domestic Heroics LJ | Peggy/DumDum | G | 300 words | for superhero_land
Three moments of the thrilling domestic life of two heroes.

Moments LJ | ensemble | G | 800 words | for fictober 2019
Eight random drabbles, of various moments in time... hence the original title

Charlie Brown Tree, Part I LJ | Wyatt&Adora | G | 600 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
Adora's changing his holiday traditions.

Charlie Brown Tree, Part II LJ | Wyatt&Adora | G | 500 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
Adora's changing his holiday traditions.

A Little Too Boy Scout LJ | Wyatt,Mystic Man | G | 300 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
Sometimes he can be a little thick. Other times, A LOT...

Sweater Weather LJ | Wyatt/Adora | G | 300 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
It's cold enough to freeze DeMilo's Wagon...

Tea & Cocoa LJ | Wyatt/Adora | G | 700 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
They're far better at being domestic than they are newlyweds

When Plus One Isn't Even Choice Five LJ | Barry,Oliver,Kara | G | 700 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
When Barry can't make a swanky party, there's only one person to send in his place

Buttery Take-Out LJ | CJ/OC | G | 800 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
CJ brings dinner home almost every night.

Ugly Sweater Battle Royale LJ | Sam,Dean,Jody| G | 400 words | for adventdrabbles 2019
CJ brings dinner home almost every night.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Last year, I wrote NINE fics (8 Trek, 1 Tin Man) -- per the LJ postings -- so I was expecting the same, if not less.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Probably Arrowverse, actually. It was my first time.

What's your own favorite story of the year?
Tossup between Baby on the Bridge and Pediatric Protocol.

Did you take any writing risks this year?
Not that I can think of.... well.. Flowers touched on a canon-point most fans really don't like. So I guess risk?

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
Crossposting to Ao3 and DW ; maybe stop plotting the OC stuff and actually write it. Also, while it's not technically fic, getting back into the RP-side of writing entries and fleshing out characters

My best story of this year:
I think Flowers was pretty deep.....

My most popular story of this year:
Flowers and Baby on the Bridge are pretty much tied for reactions on Ao3

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
I don't post enough outside of my own LJ, so there's really not an accurate sample size to work with....

Most fun story to write:
Ugly Sweater Battle Royale. Steve's smart-ass meter was at 11.

Story with the single sexiest moment:
Baby on the Bridge, actually. And that's saying something, since the Can you stay? entry is the only one that involved any sort of hanky-panky.. I mean, unless you don't actually find the mental image of Beltran holding a baby sexy?

Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
I guess programming the Doc McStuffins theme into Voyager's computers... but that really is kinda so obviously ~ME~, isn't it?

Hardest story to write:
Actually, that's Buttery Take-Out. I've been working on this 'verse for a few years, now.. it's plotted out twelve ways from Wednesday, but I just can't seem to get any of it down on paper

Biggest disappointment:
Not finishing fictober or adventdrabbles; not getting any of the original fic started; slacking on the RP entries
A Qualified Negotiator got me my first negative review on Ao3. On one hand, I've arrived; on the other... it kinda stung a little bit. maybe a little more than that

Most unintentionally telling story:
Great Ozma, why are Wyatt and Adora still so sickeningly perfect after all these years??!? Up side, I was able to get some more of an old series out; down side, I realize just how many WiPs I have lying around, collecting dust.

Did you reach last year's goal?
Not sure I had one, last year, to be perfectly honest.

(crossposted from DW ; comment here or there, as I'm here far more than there :) )

real life: walter the drama llama, fandom: i ship it, tv: supernatural, movies: star trek, fandom: i heart my ocs, tv: dcverse, real life: to do or not, fandom: i write fanfic, fandom: steve the plotpapay, movies: marvelverse, tv: remember wenn, i ship it: wyatt/adora, f-list: inabsentialuci, real life: dork moment, daily: thursday, fandom: from the f-list, fandom: challenges, fandom: i do rp things, real life: bill gates owns my soul, tv: tin man

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