Fic: Moments

Oct 28, 2019 11:21

Title: Moments
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Jeb, DG, Wyatt, Adora, Az, Ahamo, the Queen, and a few OCs
Rating: G
Summary: Eight random drabbles, of various moments in time... hence the original title
Warning: various points in time *Written for fictober 2019. Prompts: "It will be fun, trust me.", "Just follow me, I know the area.", "Now? Now you listen to me?", "I know you didn't ask for this.", "I never knew it could be this way.", "I can't come back.", "I could really eat something."
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"It will be fun, trust me." [Jeb&DG, post-series]
"What is that?" Jeb asked, as DG tossed a wrench to the table beside her.

She turned back to find him in the doorway and smirked. "You've never seen a motorcycle before?"

Jeb stared blankly. He'd seen them before, being ridden by Longcoats. "I have. What are you doing with it?"

"I'm going for a ride," she said, matter-of-factly, throwing one leg over the seat. Cocking her head to one side, DG raised an eyebrow. "Wanna go?"

"Absolutely not," he replied as the engine sputtered to life.

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun," DG grinned, patting the seat. "Trust me."

"Just follow me, I know the area." [Wyatt&Adora, pre-series]
"Will you just admit that you're lost?" Adora asked as she followed behind Wyatt.

"I am not lost," he announced, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the landscape. "I know exactly where we are." He nodded to the left and started walking again. "Just follow me," he instructed. "I know the area."

Adora raised her eyebrows and nodded, before moving in the opposite direction and sitting on an old stump.

For a few minutes, Wyatt wove a trail among the trees, not noticing she was no longer behind him; that is, until she came into view.

"Okay," he nodded. "Lost.."

"Now? Now you listen to me?" [Wyatt&Jeb, pre-series]
"Now?" Wyatt sighed as he bounced a screaming newborn against his shoulder. "Now you listen to me?"

Unfortunately, he didn't speak screaming baby, so Wyatt didn't know what his son needed. "You were supposed to do this during the party, kiddo," he said in a calm, soothing, tone. "We had a deal. You help me out of that nuthouse and I keep you in clean diapers."

Jeb only screamed louder.

"Hey, I can get loud, too," Wyatt warned, holding Jeb away from him for a moment, then nodded. "A real screamer," he added, pressing a kiss to Jeb's warm cheek.

"I know you didn't ask for this." [Jeb&OC, pre-series]
"Jeb," he asks. "Jeb?" They all know he should be given time to grieve, but they also know that if anyone would know what to do, it was Adora Cain's son. "I know you didn't ask for this," he says quietly, giving Jeb a moment to process. "But, you know what she wanted us to do. You know how she thinks.." His eyes close - even he can't believe she's gone. "Thought."

He takes a deep breath and places a hand on the young man's shoulder. "They need someone to take the lead." He nods. "Please, Jeb. They will follow you."

"I might just kiss you." [Wyatt&Adora&OC, pre-series]
"I should go," Wyatt said, as he stood in front of Adora.

Adora smiled and nodded. "I suppose you should." After all, it was late and there was a curfew in her building.

However, instead of moving, both stood still, just watching each other.

"I might just kiss you," Wyatt whispered.

"I might just let you," Adora smiled.

"I won't," they heard, and Wyatt turned to find the small woman in charge of the building trying to stare daggers at him.

"Maybe I should kiss you, instead?" he offered, trying not to smile as she hit him in the arm.

"I never knew it could be this way." [Ahamo&the Queen, pre-series]
"Will you please sit down, my love," Ahamo asked, again. His wife had been pacing for the better part of five minutes and her swaying reminded him of being on a boat.

It wasn't a great memory.

"I don't understand," she rattled off, oblivious to his request. "Why did they never say? I never knew it could be this way. They just said a cave. I assumed it was in the mountains, not yards away from our home!"

"Dear," Ahamo said as he grabbed her arms and stopped her with his larger size. "Please, just stop moving."

"But, she..... Az...."

"I can't come back." [DG&Az, post-series]
"Az, come on!" DG groaned. "This is ridiculous." She fell into step behind her sister and continued pleading: "What are you trying to prove here? All alone, in this stupid place?! Just come back with me and we can-"

"DG, please," Az stopped her, clearly exasperated. "I've heard it from mother and father, already. I can't come back. Not after everything I've done." Az let out a deep breath and shook her head. "This way, I'm- Everyone is safe."

"Yeah, hiding away in a frozen palace, with no protection, is a real plan."

"Better here than Finaqua."

"She's gone, Az."

"I could really eat something." [Wyatt&DG, post-series]
"Kid, you need to sleep," Wyatt said as he put a hand on DG's shoulder. She looked exhausted, but shook her head.

"I'm fine. She needs-" DG started, turning back to look at Az, who was finally still. Her mother was at the bedside, pressing a damp cloth to the older princess' forehead.

"Deeg," Wyatt sighed, "you can't help her if you don't help yourself. I will stay."

DG looked from her sister to the former Tin Man and nodded. "I could really eat something." Wyatt nodded. "I guess... but, just a sandwich."

"And a nap, Princess. I mean it."

~challenge, ~drabble, fic: tin man

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