Well, here's the latest from Weather Underground concerning the "Frankenstorm" that's going to destroy all civilization on the East Coast: http://www.wunderground.com/q/zmw:18067.1.99999Read more... )
Things got entirely too exciting around here Wednesday night when an explosion blasted part of Allentown. It literally blew 2/5 of a residential block apart and left the other in such a state that it'll have to be torn down
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That's what I'll be getting, starting tomorrow. 32 hours of training for this week and after that something like 25 hours a week, mostly nights and weekends -- so I might be hard to find around here for a bit
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My sister has been complaining about a 'pain' in her thigh/rear. Well, more of a 'soreness' that's hanging around since Monday or so. She swears that she's either gettign arthritis or 'I broke my leg
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