May 29, 2009 11:43
My sister has been complaining about a 'pain' in her thigh/rear. Well, more of a 'soreness' that's hanging around since Monday or so. She swears that she's either gettign arthritis or 'I broke my leg'.
The last I severely doubt -- when she actually did break a bone, she was in obviously great pain. Personally I think she just pulled a muscle at work (she has to stay on her feet all day long, and get small propane tanks, and apparently has to do it without any help) and between the sudden weather change from warm and dry to wet and chilly I think she's just been aggravating it and not giving it a chance to heal. (For that matter, for all her "It hurts so much!" it doesn't seem to have stopped her from her usual mall walking or other spending all day on the go.)
That and she can't sleep from it, so she keeps me up all night too with her racket. I told her to get a heating pad but she doesn't want to spend the money.
If anyone has a solution to this, please forward it. I don't need any more home problems right now this close to AC.
(I know this sounds callous of me... but I've seen her when she's in real pain. She does NOT act like she does now and never has. So I'm a trifle skeptical of her "horrible terrible agony". That said I hope and pray that she heals soon.)