1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
life_on_queen asked...
1) Tell me what the icon you used in the above post says to you (beyond "I like Sarah Connor", eh? ;]).
For reference, here is said icon (one of my favorites, natch):
To me, it says: "No fate but what we make." There is such a power of will that is embodied by Sarah. Pick up a gun, stride into the crossfire, eff with the status quo. She is the human voice of the war on the homefront, just as John is the voice of the Future War. She stands for humanity, with all its passion and pain, nobility and flaws, hope and despair. As Eileen put it in the most recent episode, she's a mother, a seeker, and a soldier. I find all that aptly summed up in this lovely, iconic (ha! see what I did there?) shot.
2) What is the book that most thoroughly blew you away?
Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. As soon as I had turned the last page of it, I knew this book would be with me for the rest of my life. It encapsulates so much of what I believe to be true about love, grief, divinity, and the human condition as a whole... it's one of those rare favorites that I almost can't read too often, not because I risk diminishing the impact (as if!), but because it's such a knife to the heart and mind.
The ironic thing is that it's probably the least accessible of Lewis's fictional works, a man generally known for his open and inviting writing style. The other irony is that he writes from the perspective of a female, and nails it in a way that perhaps wouldn't have been possible were this written before he met his wife, Joy Gresham (that's a real-life love story that kills me, every time). Clearly, his own love and loss there (she died of cancer the year Faces was published) colors so much of story and themes present, and that's half of what makes it so powerful: these aren't concepts he's just philosophically exploring... he's experienced them, and come to hard-hitting conclusions based on that experience.
3) There are two kinds of people - people who'd take the Stones with them to the desert island and people who would take the Beatles. What kind are you (or explain why this is a false dichotomy)?
Probably the Beatles. I think they covered more ground than the Stones; and really, if I were chillin' on a desert island I think the Beatles would just sound fantastic as a soundtrack to that experience. However, after pondering this question for awhile, I have a confession to make: I'm really not attached enough to either band to have a full-on preference. So I might be pleading "false dichotomy!" here. I realize this makes me look blasphemous as a music-lover, but I gotta be honest! Heh. Now, Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd - that would be a choice I'd have more difficulty contending with...
4) What would happen in your perfect day?
I know I'd be riding a horse for most of it. Galloping somewhere sea meets forest/mountains (like Big Sur in California). Sea-scent and pine, mmm, is there any better combination? I'd be writing something, and my muse would be speaking to me instead of clamming up like it does 364 days out of the year. Then some badass wolf would trot up to me and we'd become best friends forever and I'd bring him home with me. Yes, that would qualify as a perfect day.
5) You get to write the final TERMINATOR story ever - tell me who dies, who lives and how it all would end for you.
Ah, frell! I think I'd cave under the pressure of writing something that needs to wrap up (or close the loop of) this headcase of a mythology, but let's see. I'm just going to go with T:SCC's timeline here, because I still have no idea how Terminator Salvation's going to play out, and that's clearly a whole 'nuther can of worms.
But as far as T:SCC goes: I would love for a series finale to take place on Judgment Day. And I think Cameron needs to bite it. John needs to graduate from his need for her. He's already learned, by this point, everything that Future John learned from Cameron, if not more. And I think she'd realize this, too. A mirror of T2 would be nice here: Cameron sacrificing herself for some reason or another, realizing it's in the best interest of John, the Resistance, and the cause in general, which she finally understands in the way that only Cameron can. Sarah lives to see Judgment Day (after all, Cam jumped her forward so that she could), and this resolves all her horrible nightmares and fears about it, because she's made it, she's brought John here, and they are prepared in a way they never were before - it hasn't caught at least these few hardy humans by surprise, and that's an advantage over Skynet they didn't have before.
Her cancer issues are left unresolved, even if it's weakened her a bit more by this point, because she's determined to go out guns blazing (can you tell I need an antidote to T3 here?) and take each day as it comes. Nothing can really terrify her at this point like it did before: she's free of all the weight of uncertainty she's been carrying around. They've rigged the chess board in their favor; it's time for a more straightforward kind of war, and it's one she's ready to fight, taking John's orders for once. However, Derek is dead, because for him to experience Judgment Day twice is just a cruelty I couldn't impose on him. Poor dude.
So! Comment away to have
equustel probe your soul with five tailor-made questions. w00t.