Funny innit?

Sep 03, 2015 10:39

Holy shit I am OLD.

Not physically (godDAMN I am still fine as fuck) but in the brainmeats. When exactly did I stop spending all my brain energy contemplating Nikki Sixx's dick size (really small as it turns out) and start figuring shit out?!

Fucking meatsuit. Fucking hormones. Fucking brains.

I took the boys to see Inside Out which was amazingly educational in helping them understand how the things that happen to you and the choices you make can change you.

The boys were all 'duh obviously Joy is in charge of you' and I was all GTFO LOL JK JK (and yes I literally said exactly that because that's how you communicate with kids these days and the end is near).

I asked Fitzy who was in charge of him and he said half Anger half Joy and that makes perfect sense since he is all Fratboy and I adore them both for their oddness.

Mini-me on the other hand looked at me very seriously and said "Obviously I am sad all the time". What I wanted to say was JEESIZ SERIOUSLY KID?!! I did everything in my power to spare you the nightmare of my childhood and give you the most amazing extended family and support system possible so WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO SAD ABOUT?

But because I am adulting I just asked why and he looked at me sadly and said "because Grampa died" and I just sat the fuck down now didn't I?

And so in my drive to give him the opposite of what I had I gave him so much awesome to love and lose that it left him primarily sad anyway.

Exactly like I was.

And I wanted to say exactly like I was until I had kids, and while they did add an incalculable amount of awesome to my life the real truth is I did not stop being sad until I got medicated.

And I've been without that sadness for so long now that I actually forgot it used to be my default too.

And that we're going to be who we are regardless.

And what we are are just meatsuits that you fine tune as much as you can until you're done.

And so I went looking for a meme to sum all this up and because the Internet is the gift that just keeps on giving when I searched "suck it up buttercup" I found this:

I then I realized that I least I'm not the tool that made this. And neither are my boys.

That'll do.

motherhood, medicate me, fitzy, kids these days, meatsuit destiny, bunny, fratboy, shrinky dink is my zen, mother of the year, bobo the brain whisperer

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