
Aug 26, 2015 20:08

That moment when you realize you post so infrequently the subject lines are seasons 😂

Blow me I have TWO goalies now. How in the hell did the kid who used to lie on the ice and make snow angels finally get bitten by the hockey bug?!!

Fucking frat genes.

Twisty G got scouted to a better AA team. He also went to hockey sleep away camp for the first time this year.

You do not want to know what my summer hockey bill was like.

Nana seems to be doing well. They're still not sure if her prognosis but we'll take it over the alternative.

Kay's feeling well enough to come back to Facebook.

Progress. And I actually aced vacation so hard this year with a week in New York City with the fam and then a week at the cottage to recover.

We renewed our vows at the top of the Empore State Building and it was gorgeous.

I also have a goiter so huge it may as well be a third cheek on my ass. Because, you know, perspective.


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