BABY. BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY. My cousin's kid, by the name of Elliot, is a little over a year old now. He's got bright red hair, big blue eyes, and can walk just well enough that he ends up sitting down abruptly only about a quarter of the time. He knows what he wants (bananas, to play with the cheese grater) and can just about talk - I got
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I'm sitting here, computer on my lap, with a warm fire and a cup of tea. (French, Grapefruit, tea, if anyone cares.) I wrapped a few presents, cleaned a bit, but honestly have done next to nothing today
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2 little girls got baptized today. They were quiet and adorable through the actual baptism, and then babbled happily the rest of the service. So. Cute
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1) Yesterday was spectacular. No contra, but Anne's baby shower (my cousin's going to have a baby boy! And she lives in Philly, so I'm going to be able to babysit or just go visit and I'm really excited!) and getting dropped off by Rittenhouse square and going to B&N and then meeting up with Sloan & the Stonebacks and getting dinner and going to
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