Jun 24, 2011 01:12
BABY. BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY. My cousin's kid, by the name of Elliot, is a little over a year old now. He's got bright red hair, big blue eyes, and can walk just well enough that he ends up sitting down abruptly only about a quarter of the time. He knows what he wants (bananas, to play with the cheese grater) and can just about talk - I got mama, and dada, and baba, which I would bet money is bottle. HE'S JUST SO CUTE. CAPSLOCK CANNOT EXPRESS HOW CUTE THIS BABY IS.
I drove to Philly today to babysit him. I went on the Schuykill, during rush hour, and survived... and then found street parking (ew, and ick, respectively) to hang out with this kid for maybe a half hour until it was bedtime. Can you even remember a time when 7:30 was bedtime?
And speaking of -- there are baby monitors now that have video. VIDEO. So you can watch the adorable little person sleep without hanging out in their room (creepily). And and and it's much easier to tell whether you should let them settle or go up and try to settle them down when you can actually see them. (And can I just say that there's something ridiculously satisfying about convincing a fretting little to go back to sleep? And that the feeling is exponentially multiplied when baby goes from yelling to snuggly in your arms?)
I'm done. Maybe. Dear biological clock, no you can't have one yet - deal.
Drove home the back way, which means twisty turny up and down and whoosh around the corners kind of driving. It was actually fun... high beams cutting through the fog, road disappearing at the crest of a hill, then reappearing as soon as you reach it, heat lightning making the high beams seem inadequate - and then the sky opened up and I got poured on. Slowed way down, enjoyed watching the drops plop down in front of me, and pulled into the driveway right about the same time the rain stopped.
I have two goals. And neither are coming about to my satisfaction. Getting a job & cleaning my room...
(the most recent interview I had was a no - again - and the interviews are hard to come by anyway... Mom's doing research and flooding my inbox with possibilities, Dad's decided that I need to start aggressively calling people (the level of hate that the idea of heckling people over the phone sparks is about equal to the level of love I have for Elliot) and I honestly don't think my room has been truly clean since I had my german exchange student - so at least 6 years, and there was stuff that got relegated to under-the-bed status then, as well. it's problematic.)
job applications,