dweomeroflight Apr 09, 2015 23:34
meta, spooks: lisence to mock, acting, discussion, rewatch, spooks, beautiful nonsense, beautiful people, bbc
dweomeroflight May 19, 2013 21:28
still gay for river, timey wimey and my head is broke, tugging my heart strings, have you been moffucked?, death by fangasm, brb moffat stole my brain cells, clara oswin oswald, matt smith, team tardis is love, doctor who, can't stop this now i've started, alex!, santa moff, fandom, god is in the details, too many feelings, run you clever boy, that hair, gay for river, bbc, santa moff i love you
dweomeroflight Dec 28, 2012 00:12
i just got mind frakked by doctor who, tim burton, doctor who, music, film, santa moff, helena bonham carter, matt smith, reviews, rant, bbc
dweomeroflight Sep 15, 2012 13:16
i just got mind frakked by doctor who, marry me eleven, i believe in miracles, timey wimey and my head is broke, have you been moffucked?, brb moffat stole my brain cells, karen and the babes, matt smith, reviews, life on mars, team tardis is love, meta, doctor who, can't stop this now i've started, fandom, god is in the details, rtd era who, beautiful nonsense, beautiful people, santa moff i love you, bbc
dweomeroflight Sep 02, 2012 21:00
i just got mind frakked by doctor who, karen gillan, doctor who, have you been moffucked?, brb moffat stole my brain cells, rory williams is cooler than you, fandom, beautiful nonsense, matt smith, santa moff i love you, team tardis is love, bbc
dweomeroflight Feb 29, 2012 21:47
nicola walker, fandom, reviews, bbc
dweomeroflight Sep 27, 2011 22:51
the suck fairy visited, can't stop this now i've started, spooks: lisence to mock, spooks, rant, reviews, bbc
dweomeroflight May 09, 2011 21:36
karen gillan, still gay for river, timey wimey and my head is broke, doctor who, have you been moffucked?, brb moffat stole my brain cells, karen and the babes, matt smith, reviews, team tardis is love, bbc
dweomeroflight May 02, 2011 18:17
i just got mind frakked by doctor who, marry me eleven, karen gillan, still gay for river, timey wimey and my head is broke, doctor who, have you been moffucked?, karen and the babes, matt smith, reviews, team tardis is love, bbc
dweomeroflight Mar 13, 2011 22:13
spooks, richard armitage, reviews, bbc