Under cut link for anyone who hasn't seen yet for spoilers.
I had to watch this episode twice just to get the timeline straight and to be honest I don't think I can judge this episode in terms of quality till I see the next part as there were things that I have the potential to either love or hate.
Things that I can say off the bat:
persiflage_1 you have to share with me ok? Also my Mum "You know guys... in all the years I watched ER I never once thought this actress attractive... I don't understand it... in dr who she is HOT" Me: LOL MUM BUT SO SO TRUE.
- I liked the blue envelopes idea- very fairy tale like. Though I can see some fans getting upset because Moffat is seemingly saying that Amy, Rory, River and Canton are who The Doctor trusts most out of all of his many companions... unless of course its just this incarnation of The Doctor (which tbh is what I would probably prefer to go with).
- The Doctor died and didn't regenerate? This better be a loophole thing or I will be mad. Oh and is that child River in the suit or no? I rather hope not. I enjoy River being a cipher for the time being.
- Has a Team TARDIS ever been so attractive?
- Good to see the art direction is still as good as series five!
- The Silents are damned creepy but is Amy really pregnant or are the aliens making her think that? Are the silents the silence falling or not? SO MUCH CONFUSION MOFF!!!
- Speaking of confusion, I didn't realise old Canton and young Canton were the same guy till a rewatch. Fail.
- River/Doctor banter is so win! In particular, "I'm quite the screamer..." and "Bless" as River mucks around adeptly with TARDIS controls, oh and flirty Doctor with the hot face remark.
- The Doctor scared me this week. He was rather harsh on the companions. Does he know something that he isn't letting on. Has he known something since TEH that he's not letting on. I'm sure series five is not done with yet.
- Speaking of not letting on, why is River so calm at The Doctor's death. What does she know?
- Rory and River conversation made me sad. SITL/FOTD is now even more horrible to rewatch (except still unbelievably great). I still can't decide if The Doctor or Rory is the man River kills. It would be a nice piece of foreshadowing here if River kills Rory.
- The acting was really amazing all around and what great chemistry. Makes me wish River would just stick around for the entire series. Matt impressed as he did for me since day one, but I really noticed Karen in this episode. I feel that from what we have seen so far she has already grown and improved so much. Loving it!
Questions left over from series five:
- What makes the TARDIS explode
- What or who is the silence and the significance of it falling
- Was a duckpond with no ducks significant?
- Who is River and who does she kill?
Gees I need some answers soon. It's starting to get very complicated. Like Life on Mars. But possibly even more confusing.
Some fears for series six:
- I loved series five and its message of hope so damn much. It was beautiful and amazing and fairystory like and I loved every second. Can series six possibly top series five?
- The Moff wrecks River by giving her a cop out ending, I kill him. The Moff wrecks River by giving her a sexist ending, I kill him. The Moff wrecks River by taking away what makes her awesome, I kill him. That is all.
- Amy and Rory get seperated through death. Please no. Also, Amy not to be pregnant for reals. Also, for Rory and Amy to have an equal relationship coz in series five I was kind of like "um what is with this couple?" and I would hate for things to go back to a Mickey/Rose style dynamic.
- An angst overload. I'm still recovering from the tenth Doctor. Please no more. Dark Doctor is fine. Dark storylines are fine, but not annoying levels of angst.
By the way I realise these are probably irrational fears but they are what I am a thinking after this ep :)
Please no spoilers in the comments for 6.2. It doesn't air here till next Saturday (in which I notice River looks even hotter than usual. Damn how does she do it?)
ps: Also tired of The Moff/Matt/everyone post Ten haters. Surely that was the most exciting, epic, confusing and unexpected pilot we've had in all of new who. Share the love, not the hate.