Lots of thoughts under the cut and who has River Song spinning around with awesome gun icons? May I have one pretty please (credited of course). It is my bday this week (bats eyelids sweetly).
- The beginning confused me so much. WHA WHY IS CANTON BAD? I liked the body bag thing and the Amy/Canton conversation
- I love Rory. He is awesome ok? Even when he has his eyes shut tight against bullets.
- I have no expletives left for River. She is BAMF. In her hot evening dress (which by the way has someone written the fic of what the frik she was doing in the last couple of months to be in an evening dress? I need to read it)
- Bearded Doctor is strange and I don't really like it lol. Oooh clever Canton though with the sealed up room to keep The Silence out. AND YAY TARDIS CATCHES RIVER YAY. SWIMMING POOL. WET HAIRED RIVER IS HOT. GAH. DAMN IT. WHY AM I SO GAY FOR RIVER?
- The orphanage is absolutely terrifying as is its owner. He reminds me of the assylum owner in Sweeney Todd. I wonder if it is the same actor?
- Blood on the wall. Oh. God. My little Who pal is gonna be SO scarred for life by this.
- Amy seperates. Ok. You know what I like about Amy. She does her own thing, she makes her own decisions, she's pretty independant when she is out on adventure. I like it a lot.
- The Silence are terrifying, like absolutely terrifying. In the ceiling. And what is with Cyborg lady? Is she real or a Silence construct? And what's with Amy and a baby and little girl pics? Is the little girl Amy? or River? Or a Time Lady? Or as my Mum speculated THE MASTER? Now wouldn't that be damned creepy!
- Amy is a good screamer
- Tee hee. River in 60's attire is amusing. So is Rory in glasses. More. Also, I love The Doctor and his twirling.
- Wow this is heart wrenching. Amy's terrified ramblings through the red blipping thing is so sad. I nearlly cried. And when Rory says The Doctor has to save her and The Doctor's face is all aged like he's seen it all before and just... amazing acting.
- I knew Amy was talking about Rory. I knew it. After The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang how could she not. 2000 YEARS PEOPLE. 2000. Rory is no Mickey. Thank goodness.
- Hmmm, don't know if I like how The Doctor deals with the Silence but this story ain't over so I reserve judgement for now.
- River is gun totting awesome. So much sexual tension and LOL AT THE DOCTOR AND HIS QUOTE ABOUT "This is my friend River; crazy hair, smart, oh and doesn't mind shooting things, unlike me. Shouldn't like that, kind of do." And then back to back sexual tension ramps up like woah. *Dies*
- "It's a screwdriver. Build a cabinet."
- OH MY GOD. DID THIS HAPPEN? I LOVE YOU SANTA MOFF. RIVER SWIRLS AROUND AND TAKES THOSE PESKY SILENCE DOWN AND GOD I LOVE HER FOREVER. Also loving these Rory/River convo's (although I was a bit confused last week when Amy explained River to Rory. Hadn't he already known her from last series finale?) tee hee at "so which Doctor are you?"
"Archaeologist." BANG.
My brother interjects with "SHE IS SO A TIME LORD."
- Rory realises Amy was talking about him which is phew.
- River/Doctor shipping ramps up. I scream out loudly at the Tv "MAKE OUT MAKE OUT" AND THE TV OBEYS ME AND THEY KISS. THEY KISS OH GOD MOFF. My heart broke at River's shocked face. You are amazing Alex Kingston. This also marked about the sixth time I have tried to explain River to my Mum. Another brother interjection: "well this is the first time I've actually believed in the viability of a Doctor/anyone relationship," followed by sad noises. It's gonna be Gene and Alex all over again isn't it?
- And The Doctor is running away. But does he even know what from?
1. Is River a Time Lord, or a human from Jack Harkness' time or a con woman or the Rani or Romana or something else entirely?
2. Is Amy realy pregnant and what is WITH Amy anyway. Someone's had her marked out for something but WHAT?
3. What is "silence falling?"
4. Who is that little girl?
5. Is Rory's time as a centurian important?
6. How does The Doctor die? Who kills him and what did River know?
Well. This series is suddenly Lost and also way scary and dark. I like it. I think :)