So I finally watched episode one. I should probably make a thread in the
nicola_walker comm seeings as it is well and truly done and dusted in the UK.
Anyway, I found the episode relatively intriguing plot wise, but I hated every single main character. Every. Last. One. And it was also pretty damn depressing. Probably not my cup of tea to be honest but I'll watch to the end BECAUSE ZOMG THAT ACTRESS I LIKE (the story of my life- watching programs I don't like for actors I love)
Also, lol at the returned stereotype of Nicola's character in a bad/unfufilling relationship stuck in a world of social and emotional dislocation. How predictable ;)
The most important thing however, is Nicola getting costume changes you guys. MANY. Tv is full of surprises. Random stripey jumper/top thingy was love. I wants one.
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