penance and punishment are between oneself and God - too bad I don't believe in 'im.

Jan 31, 2010 01:31

[It's been days since Matt's left his room; he just hasn't felt the need to go anywhere, to do anything. Finally, today, the depression is crippling, and he feels the need to get out. In an effort to take his mind off things (his own Mello's abandonment, his imploding relationship with Misa, and his weird-ass relationship with another Mello), Matt' ( Read more... )

revisit, matt, death room

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Comments 200

goggleboy03 January 31 2010, 14:31:36 UTC
Matt was a bit more wary of Xed rooms after his experience in the therapy room (even though that didn't have an X, Matt thought that it should). Still, something about this one...
The first one wasn't so bad. Matt had relived the bullets in dreams many times. The explosions and heart attacks were similarly old hat. The knife in his heart, the bullet to the brain, the slit throat...those were a bit more dramatic. Hadn't happened nearly as much as Deidara's explosions or Mikami's revenge.
What really shook, though, was having his deaths, all of his deaths flash through his mind nearly at once. The first one stood out the most, but the rest still echoed. Usually death didn't do much to him, but the sheer overload sent Matt over the edge.
He stumbled backwards, slumping against the nearest wall and clutching his head. He'd recover in a few moments, but until then...ow.

((Ya'know, I dunno if this is kosher or not. I dunno if its supposed to be just the initial/first death, but given that this Matt died many many times in his ( ... )


ooc goggleboy03 January 31 2010, 14:40:44 UTC
Anyone watching would see flashes of the first death, an explosion, and him falling from a heart attack in a small kitchen. All sorta flickering in and out like a badly edited video. The explosion setting would end it.


logical_red January 31 2010, 22:10:04 UTC
[Matt coughs hard, trying to alleviate the fullness he's currently feeling in his throat. Whatever it is that's wallowing in there, it's slimey as hell, and obnoxious to boot; he starts to push himself back up to his feet, using the wall as leverage, but he doesn't aniticipate his legs being so fucking weak. He collapses back down to the floor, in a heap, just as the metallic scent wafts its way up to reach his nose.]

What the - fuck? [His words are punctuated by faint gurgles even Matt himself finds sickening.]


goggleboy03 January 31 2010, 22:16:38 UTC
Matt snaps his attention to the voice, though is eyes take a few moments to focus. "...Matt?"
That was Matt, right? One of them. Goggles and stripes usually meant Matt, unless it was one still going by 'Mail.'
"Are..." His brain was starting to come back online, at least. "Are you okay?"


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yup yup logical_red January 31 2010, 22:13:40 UTC
[Slowly, Matt lifts his head off his chest; his back's starting to hurt from the way he's crumpled so haphazardly on the floor, but he doesn't seem to have it in him to really move yet. Blinking, his head begins to clear a little more when he sees L lying on the floor in a puddle of blood.]

Jesus - L... [He breaks off into a fit of coughing, and more blood splatters on the pristine floor.] You okay...?


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logical_red January 31 2010, 22:45:28 UTC
Shh, don't. Jus' don't say anything or try to move for awhile - it's easier if you try to recover a lil.

[He's been here a while, obviously, and he can just now stand. Stand he does, though he's too weak to move far from the wall.]


I *knew* this would be tl;dr! XD down_to_nowhere January 31 2010, 20:59:56 UTC
[Mello is halfway looking for this Matt, not that he'd admit it, and the X on the door wouldn't be enough to keep him from going into the room he's pretty sure he saw Matt vanish into. There's more, too: a tantalizing murmur of voices beyond that door, just faint enough to be incomprehensible. He has to hear what they're saying.

He only sees the white room for a flash of a second before he's plunged into the nightmare he hasn't been able to shake in a year and half, thrown into it so completely that it feels like it's happening for the first time.

He's parked the truck to wait out the storm he knows he's caused. Those fuckers on the news are still showing Matt's car, and Mello starts to reach over to flip the damn thing off, but his arm's gripped by pain shooting up it, straight to his heart. How the fuck did they-He doesn't get to finish the thought. The pain squeezes, explodes outward, like a star going supernova right in his fucking chest. His head starts to fall forward, and he's gone ( ... )


*feels dumb for not knowing what that means* XD logical_red January 31 2010, 22:26:28 UTC
[He hears something; his brain starts to flicker back to life, after spending several minutes trying to recover, and his eyes flutter open a little, though they're half-lidded. He's fucking tired as hell, and his mind feels like it's mush, but he tries, dammit. His head tilts back, banging on the wall; he squeezes his eyes shut at the pain, a headache already starting to accompany the creepy, cold feeling in his torso.]

OW - fuck.


"too long; didn't read" XD down_to_nowhere January 31 2010, 22:31:00 UTC
Matt- [Oh, fuck, breathing hurts. Mello walks closer on his knees, having to put his right hand down every few steps to regain his balance.]

Matt, can you move your legs?


oh. XD logical_red January 31 2010, 22:34:44 UTC
[He manages to look up at Mello as more blood fills in his chest, coming up his throat. He tries to swallow, but it doesn't work; just sends him into another coughing fit. Blood splatters everywhere, it seems, and Matt's hoping none of it got on Mello. Breathing shallowly, he bends his right knee, curling his leg toward him.]

Yeah - sorta. Wha-what the fuck happen'd t'you?


WHOA, MASSIVE Wall of Text coming in!! spazzykira February 1 2010, 02:15:45 UTC
*Misa was wandering through the Mansion now, exploring what seemed like would be her new home for a while. She saw the door with an X on it, but, being new, didn't really know what that meant. So after peering inside and having her interest piqued by a room of all white, she stepped inside ( ... )


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spazzykira February 1 2010, 02:46:46 UTC
*Misa sees L in a pool of blood, and her first instinct is to freak out totally.*

Ryuz-!! *And she literally can't say any more with that sentance. This is what happens when you stab yourself in the heart. She takes a deep, wheezing breath and tries again, this time opting for a more quiet stage whispery, but still frantic tone.*

Ryuzaki! You're in... I'm... I don't know. I stabbed myself... *she takes another breath* in the heart, but I'm... still alive. What about *breath* you?? You're in a pool of *breath* blood... it's not yours, is it?


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Imma put both mah chars here :3 cause thinking up f3!matt's death interests me postnuclearscav February 1 2010, 05:51:02 UTC
For a second, Matt was overjoyed at being home. Then the feeling faded as memories of the mansion were replaced with memories of how he'd gotten where he was.
The museum of technology was always a dangerous place to scout out. Normally it was teeming with super mutants, but today there were other problems as well. The brotherhood fighting with the mutants made things easier, in a way, but it also made things harder. He didn't have time to sit back and wait for them to kill each other off, or tire so it'd be easier to sneak by. There was a component deep within the museum that Mello needed. Near's men must have been after it too...that explained the other visitors. It was supposed to be a simple mission. He'd get in, get what he needed, and get back in no time. All before Mello realised where he'd gone in the first place. But there must have been a leak...They'd been afraid of something like that ( ... )


O_O logical_red February 1 2010, 06:04:21 UTC
[Finally, Matt's head seems to be mostly cleared. He spots another Matt lying not too far away.]

Oi. You a'right - or are ya - dead? [Each pause is punctuated by a gurgle or a cough.]


postnuclearscav February 1 2010, 06:12:58 UTC
He didn't expect to hear voices after he died. At least not that voice. He frowned, memories of the mansion mixing with the already fading memories of how he'd gotten to the final moment.
"...I think...dead?"

((prolly be slow with this matt for awhile))


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