penance and punishment are between oneself and God - too bad I don't believe in 'im.

Jan 31, 2010 01:31

[It's been days since Matt's left his room; he just hasn't felt the need to go anywhere, to do anything. Finally, today, the depression is crippling, and he feels the need to get out. In an effort to take his mind off things (his own Mello's abandonment, his imploding relationship with Misa, and his weird-ass relationship with another Mello), Matt' ( Read more... )

revisit, matt, death room

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WHOA, MASSIVE Wall of Text coming in!! spazzykira February 1 2010, 02:15:45 UTC
*Misa was wandering through the Mansion now, exploring what seemed like would be her new home for a while. She saw the door with an X on it, but, being new, didn't really know what that meant. So after peering inside and having her interest piqued by a room of all white, she stepped inside.

It had been a year. A year without her Light. Without half of her. She didn't know how she had been able to make it this long, but she didn't know how much longer she could keep going. She was in her room again, doing nothing. She never did anything anymore. She tried getting back into her life after Matsuda had told her that Light was... but she couldn't. Modeling, singing, songwriting... nothing. It didn't have the spark it used to. Nothing held the spark it used to.

She slumped down, from sitting on the bed to sitting on the floor with her back against the side of her bed. She figured she should get something to eat soon, but she couldn't think why. But she figured she should. She got up and went to the kitchen of her apartment. Her technically new apartment since she couldn't stay in Light's old one- the Japanese police force had claimed it as a "crime scene"- and turned on the TV as she started cutting up fruits for some kind of salad or whatever; she didn't really care what she ate anymore. But maybe a new Death Note had been brought down to the world, and someone was acting as Kira again. That was the one thing she hoped for every time she turned on the news- that someone would be able to continue Light's work.

Instead, she saw the date. February 14. Valentine's Day. A day for lovers. And hers was no longer there.

She looked down at the knife in her hand, and suddenly one idea became more clear to her than any idea had been to her in months.

Light's not here with me on Valentine's Day... so maybe I can go join him.

She looked up at a picture of Light she had hanging in her kitchen- she had similar pictures all over the apartment- and spoke to him as she did far more often than was healthy.*

Light? Were you proud of me, while you were here? Do you love me? I'm coming, Light. I miss you. I'm coming...

*She raised her hands, holding the knife together, above her head, then plunged them down, into her heart. It didn't send her into shock, as she thought it might. It did hurt. But, as she collapsed and lay on her kitchen floor, bleeding and dying, she smiled. It was painful, but this didn't come close to hurting as much as the past year had hurt. She was finally going to be reunited with her other half. And, as she closed her eyes and took her last, deep breath, she felt a sense of peace she hadn't felt for over a year.*

I love you, Light... *She murmured with her last, and everything went black.

...And then white. And she realized she could still open her eyes, because she did. And she saw that she was no longer in that weird kitchen that she didn't even recognize, but in the white room she had seen through the door in the Mansion, and some of those people she had met when she first came here were there as well as some others that couldn't possibly have been in that weird, other place- Mello, Matt, Ryuzaki. The pain of stabbing herself in the heart wasn't gone though- in fact, it was still there, and the pain was multiplied because it wasn't relieving the pain of losing Light- she hadn't lost Light. The peace was gone, and it was just painful, and she moans slightly with the pain... but can't do much else. She did just stab herself in the heart, after all.*

((ooc: I know that Misa does kill herself on Valentine's Day, a year after Light dies because *someone* (probably an idiot like Matsuda) tells her that he's gone... but description is never given of that. So I took a few liberties. I never realized it could be so fascinating to write something so morbid... but there you go. XD))


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spazzykira February 1 2010, 02:46:46 UTC
*Misa sees L in a pool of blood, and her first instinct is to freak out totally.*

Ryuz-!! *And she literally can't say any more with that sentance. This is what happens when you stab yourself in the heart. She takes a deep, wheezing breath and tries again, this time opting for a more quiet stage whispery, but still frantic tone.*

Ryuzaki! You're in... I'm... I don't know. I stabbed myself... *she takes another breath* in the heart, but I'm... still alive. What about *breath* you?? You're in a pool of *breath* blood... it's not yours, is it?


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spazzykira February 1 2010, 03:08:57 UTC
*She tried taking a deep breath and holding it- it had always been a good way to calm herself down- but it didn't particularly work. Stabbing yourself through the heart had great symbolism when she thought she was actually killing herself, but... not so much when she didn't stay dead. She closed her eyes for a minute, but she couldn't keep them closed... she just couldn't.*

Oh, Ryuzaki... what... happened here? *breath* I was in this weird place... an apartment that was mine, but *breath* not mine... and my Light was... gone, and I...*breath* killed myself. Except, I'm not dead... and you got... *breath* run over? What... happened?


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spazzykira February 2 2010, 00:47:23 UTC
We all... die? So maybe *breath* this place can be as bad as that Mello said...

You... *breath* took the hit for Matsuda? Oh, Ryuzaki... *She can't say anymore... she just doesn't know what to say.* That... actually happened to you? *breath* Like, back in your home world?


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spazzykira February 2 2010, 03:04:10 UTC
Heart failure...?

*Misa realizes the... significance of this, but decides not to ask for details. At least not yet... she isn't sure she wants to know.*

A door? I... think so. *breath* I mean, we had to come in through one.. *Yet another breath, and starts to feel really lightheaded- a lack of oxygen to your brain will do that.*


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spazzykira February 3 2010, 04:39:36 UTC
*Misa used a lot of the strength she had left to lift up her head and look around her. Especially to turn her head around and look behind... but there it was- the door they had come in through! She let her head collapse back to the position it was in before.*

Ryuzaki... behind me, there's the door. It's not that far away... only about... I dunno, ten feet or so? You think we can make it...?


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Oh man, I just have a talent for writing long comments in this room, don't I? spazzykira February 6 2010, 03:53:19 UTC
*Misa's eyes widen, and blaze.*

No. Ryuzaki, I am not going to go and just leave you behind. If we leave- *She's run out of air here, and she has to stop and take another deep breath.* If we leave, we're leaving together.

*She turns her head away from him, and looks down at the knife sticking out of her chest. She knows she has to find some way to get them both out, but she'll never be able to get the strength and the oxygen to do that with the knife still in her. It may be a plug to stop the blood, but...

Making sure she's lying perfectly flat, she takes both hands to the hilt of the knife, just as she was holding it when she originally stabbed herself, and used all of her strength to pull it up, out of her heart. She screams with the pain and effort of doing it, then drops the knife to the side, away from L, and just rests for a few moments before taking a deeper breath than she had been able to with the knife in her, and slowly manages to raise herself to a sitting upright position. She holds one hand to the stab wound- it's bleeding profusely and she's trying to apply pressure to slow down that bleeding, but she still turns to him.

In a softer and weaker, but less... wheezy voice than she'd used before:*

Ryuzaki... we will get out of here. Together.


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Good to know~ I'd hate for it to NOT be okay... XD spazzykira February 9 2010, 03:18:50 UTC
*She smiles a crooked, half-grin at him.*

I think I'd be suffering either way, Ryuzaki... and besides, it's not like I'd ever leave one of my friends behind- especially not in a room like this.

*She reaches her free hand out to him, to help him get closer to her. Maybe they'll be able to lean on each other and stagger to the door...? Misa's not really sure, but she figures it's better to have him close than not.*


O_O and i thought MINE was long... XD logical_red February 1 2010, 05:30:21 UTC
[Matt sucks in a shallow breath, his chest filled uncomfortably with blood. He tries standing again; curling his feet under him, he looks up. Stopping when he sees Misa lying on the floor, he freaks a little bit.]

Holy shit- [More fitful coughing.] M-Misa? You okay?


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