penance and punishment are between oneself and God - too bad I don't believe in 'im.

Jan 31, 2010 01:31

[It's been days since Matt's left his room; he just hasn't felt the need to go anywhere, to do anything. Finally, today, the depression is crippling, and he feels the need to get out. In an effort to take his mind off things (his own Mello's abandonment, his imploding relationship with Misa, and his weird-ass relationship with another Mello), Matt' ( Read more... )

revisit, matt, death room

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I *knew* this would be tl;dr! XD down_to_nowhere January 31 2010, 20:59:56 UTC
[Mello is halfway looking for this Matt, not that he'd admit it, and the X on the door wouldn't be enough to keep him from going into the room he's pretty sure he saw Matt vanish into. There's more, too: a tantalizing murmur of voices beyond that door, just faint enough to be incomprehensible. He has to hear what they're saying.

He only sees the white room for a flash of a second before he's plunged into the nightmare he hasn't been able to shake in a year and half, thrown into it so completely that it feels like it's happening for the first time.

He's parked the truck to wait out the storm he knows he's caused. Those fuckers on the news are still showing Matt's car, and Mello starts to reach over to flip the damn thing off, but his arm's gripped by pain shooting up it, straight to his heart. How the fuck did they-He doesn't get to finish the thought. The pain squeezes, explodes outward, like a star going supernova right in his fucking chest. His head starts to fall forward, and he's gone ( ... )


*feels dumb for not knowing what that means* XD logical_red January 31 2010, 22:26:28 UTC
[He hears something; his brain starts to flicker back to life, after spending several minutes trying to recover, and his eyes flutter open a little, though they're half-lidded. He's fucking tired as hell, and his mind feels like it's mush, but he tries, dammit. His head tilts back, banging on the wall; he squeezes his eyes shut at the pain, a headache already starting to accompany the creepy, cold feeling in his torso.]

OW - fuck.


"too long; didn't read" XD down_to_nowhere January 31 2010, 22:31:00 UTC
Matt- [Oh, fuck, breathing hurts. Mello walks closer on his knees, having to put his right hand down every few steps to regain his balance.]

Matt, can you move your legs?


oh. XD logical_red January 31 2010, 22:34:44 UTC
[He manages to look up at Mello as more blood fills in his chest, coming up his throat. He tries to swallow, but it doesn't work; just sends him into another coughing fit. Blood splatters everywhere, it seems, and Matt's hoping none of it got on Mello. Breathing shallowly, he bends his right knee, curling his leg toward him.]

Yeah - sorta. Wha-what the fuck happen'd t'you?


down_to_nowhere January 31 2010, 22:41:12 UTC
That's better- than it could be. [But, fuck, there's so much blood... He squeezes his eyes shut, swaying where he kneels.]

Think- my second ran out.


i'll be back in a few hours - moar nap is in order <33 logical_red January 31 2010, 22:48:36 UTC
[Something tells him this isn't right. He shakes his head, but stops when the action makes him uncomfortably dizzy. Before he knows it, he's fallen over, onto his side, and he just lays there a minute, breathing.]

I - don't think that's it, man. [He spits blood away as it trickles past his lips and takes as deep a breath as he can.]


down_to_nowhere February 1 2010, 02:44:43 UTC
We've gotta stop the- Find some rags or-

[It's slow to dawn on him that he's in the clothes that have come to be his normal outfit, not the leather he was wearing in the truck; and that for someone bleeding so much, Matt's remarkably... alive.]

Fucking mansion. I know it.


logical_red February 1 2010, 05:32:11 UTC
[Matt's still too woozy to really think.]

You know wha-? [He blinks his eyes open, trying to bring his thinking back to full capacity, but it just doesn't seem to be working yet.]


down_to_nowhere February 1 2010, 05:36:16 UTC
Not really dead. Room.

[He creeps closer. This being fake, if it is, doesn't make it hurt any less, and it doesn't make Matt's condition any less horrifying.]


logical_red February 1 2010, 06:00:10 UTC
Oh. That - makes sense.

[He manages to push himself back up, so he's at least sitting; in this position, his head starts to clear, and he looks up at Mello with cloudy eyes. He can feel more blood trickling down his chin, but he makes no move to wipe it away yet.]

What'd it do t'you? [A wet cough.]


down_to_nowhere February 1 2010, 06:06:40 UTC
Finished the job.

[He drops down to sit on the floor, hand on his chest.]

Matty- we gotta get out of here.


logical_red February 1 2010, 06:11:17 UTC
[He licks his lips, smearing more blood across them and wincing at the horrible, metallic taste.]

Love to - but where the fuck's the door?

[He eyes Mello before reaching to dig in his front pocket. Pulling out his pack and lighter, he takes one out by the filter with his teeth, and attempts to flick his lighter open. His hands don't seem to wanna cooperate, and Matt's brow furrows, annoyed, after five tries.]

Oi - Mister 'eart Attack - a lil help here?


down_to_nowhere February 1 2010, 06:16:00 UTC
I got it.

[Mello takes the lighter from Matt and fires it up, holding it close to the end of the cigarette.]

No door. [He probably looks as wrung-out as he feels. It hasn't been this bad since he first woke up in the city.] Wait it out. I guess. Jesus, Matty. [He could try to get his shirt off to stop some of the bleeding, maybe.]


logical_red February 1 2010, 06:30:33 UTC
[He leans forward a bit, catching himself when he nearly falls forward into the flame; within seconds, the smoke's lit, and he takes a puff. The smoke helps, but goddamn - it makes his chest fuckin' burn. The cigarette falls from his mouth, landing in his blood-soaked lap, and he growls, frustrated.]

Godammit! I can't even fuckin' - [He breaks off into a coughing fit that goes on for minutes.] - I can't even smoke? This is bullshit.


down_to_nowhere February 1 2010, 06:40:46 UTC
Hang on, Matty.

[It takes some maneuvering, but he edges closer, extracts Matt's smokes and lighter, and gets one lit himself, taking a deep drag that aches like fuckall, but screw you, mansion, he figures, he's smoking anyway. He holds the cigarette to Matt's lips.] Here.

Do you- God, you must hurt.


logical_red February 1 2010, 07:18:45 UTC
[More grateful than he'll show, Matt leans into Mello, against his shoulder, and takes a drag - only to break out into another fit of coughing as his chest tightens. He coughs so hard blood splatters a good ways across the white floor, and he spits some off to the side.]

Dammit - no fucking good. [A smirk.] Looks like I got some distance with that one, though, eh?


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