penance and punishment are between oneself and God - too bad I don't believe in 'im.

Jan 31, 2010 01:31

[It's been days since Matt's left his room; he just hasn't felt the need to go anywhere, to do anything. Finally, today, the depression is crippling, and he feels the need to get out. In an effort to take his mind off things (his own Mello's abandonment, his imploding relationship with Misa, and his weird-ass relationship with another Mello), Matt' ( Read more... )

revisit, matt, death room

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goggleboy03 January 31 2010, 14:31:36 UTC
Matt was a bit more wary of Xed rooms after his experience in the therapy room (even though that didn't have an X, Matt thought that it should). Still, something about this one...
The first one wasn't so bad. Matt had relived the bullets in dreams many times. The explosions and heart attacks were similarly old hat. The knife in his heart, the bullet to the brain, the slit throat...those were a bit more dramatic. Hadn't happened nearly as much as Deidara's explosions or Mikami's revenge.
What really shook, though, was having his deaths, all of his deaths flash through his mind nearly at once. The first one stood out the most, but the rest still echoed. Usually death didn't do much to him, but the sheer overload sent Matt over the edge.
He stumbled backwards, slumping against the nearest wall and clutching his head. He'd recover in a few moments, but until then...ow.

((Ya'know, I dunno if this is kosher or not. I dunno if its supposed to be just the initial/first death, but given that this Matt died many many times in his games...I couldn't resist making him relive them all at once :D I'm a bad, bad mun. kek))


ooc goggleboy03 January 31 2010, 14:40:44 UTC
Anyone watching would see flashes of the first death, an explosion, and him falling from a heart attack in a small kitchen. All sorta flickering in and out like a badly edited video. The explosion setting would end it.


logical_red January 31 2010, 22:10:04 UTC
[Matt coughs hard, trying to alleviate the fullness he's currently feeling in his throat. Whatever it is that's wallowing in there, it's slimey as hell, and obnoxious to boot; he starts to push himself back up to his feet, using the wall as leverage, but he doesn't aniticipate his legs being so fucking weak. He collapses back down to the floor, in a heap, just as the metallic scent wafts its way up to reach his nose.]

What the - fuck? [His words are punctuated by faint gurgles even Matt himself finds sickening.]


goggleboy03 January 31 2010, 22:16:38 UTC
Matt snaps his attention to the voice, though is eyes take a few moments to focus. "...Matt?"
That was Matt, right? One of them. Goggles and stripes usually meant Matt, unless it was one still going by 'Mail.'
"Are..." His brain was starting to come back online, at least. "Are you okay?"


logical_red January 31 2010, 22:31:23 UTC
[He coughs, hard, trying his best to clear his throat before answering. He's sick of the distasteful feeling, but he can feel the blood gathering in his lungs, so it seems there's not gonna be an end to it just yet.]

I don' know how I look, but I feel like fucking shit.

[He manages to glance up before letting his head droop back down, his eyes closing.]

Matt...? What the hell's goin' on here?


goggleboy03 January 31 2010, 22:37:31 UTC
"I probably died." He frowned and pulled himself to his feet. The plan was to help the other Matt up, but so far it took most of his strenght just to lean against the wall and not collaspe again.
He felt a bit ashamed. He'd had it in his head that death didn't effect him, and yet here he was struggling with it.
"Its the room...I don't think I remember this one."


logical_red January 31 2010, 22:43:18 UTC
Ugh... So far, this room is the biggest fucking asshole I've ever met. [That includes Mello, which is fucking hard to do, be a bigger asshole than Mello. Matt spits more blood on the floor before trying to stand again; determined, he shoves himself up, his back still pressed against the wall. His legs are a little wobbly, but they manage to hold him. He stands there a minute, working the haze from his head.]

So that's what it's like...


goggleboy03 January 31 2010, 22:49:02 UTC
"You got...Takada's fucking bodyguards? Hn." He refocused his attention on the other Matt, but was still unable to move from his spot. It seemed like every part of his body hurt in one way or another. Which was far from normal for deaths...but this mansion...
"Can you see the door? I'd help you out, but..." He trailed off, coughing, and spitting up blood as well.


logical_red February 1 2010, 05:13:41 UTC
Jesus... no. No door. [He couldn't see one anyway, though that wasn't saying much; Matt really couldn't see more than 3 feet in front of him anyway.]

Yeah - Takada's motherfucking guards. Shot me straight ta hell. Looks like they worked you over pretty good, too.


goggleboy03 February 1 2010, 05:21:54 UTC
"S...shit...if the door's gone..." He frowned. That could mean they'd have to face something else.
At least it was entertaining? He tried to hold onto that.
"Not just her." Matt's body was mostly covered in burns, but the bullet holes from his first death stood out, as well as a few other bloody spots. He coughed again and took a few moments to recover enough to speak. "She gets hers. Light kills her. Fire." He chuckles a bit, but it just ends up in another coughing fit. Bringing up more blood.
"If I find the door, I'll show you." Not that he managed to move yet.


logical_red February 1 2010, 05:52:33 UTC
[He can't help his weak chuckle, no matter how much it hurts his chest.]

Yeah, that'd be fuckin' awesome.

[He watches the other Matt sideways.] So... what all happened to you? I think I missed it.


goggleboy03 February 1 2010, 05:55:26 UTC
Matt smiled weakly. "Its like the nightmare room again. I'll get everyone out."
He shook his head, hoping to clear it but immediately regretting it. "All of them. At once. I could...I..." Matt squeezed his eyes shut. "I forgot how much it hurt."


logical_red February 1 2010, 06:07:44 UTC
Heh - a'least you had some advance warning. I got completely sideblinded - fuck, I mean, blindsided.

[Breathing's coming to him a bit easier now, but it's shallow nonetheless, and his brain still isn't at full capacity. He's mostly just glad to be standing.]


goggleboy03 February 1 2010, 06:09:48 UTC
"Should have known better. I saw the X. Didn't think it would be that bad." Matt rubbed his face, which also did more harm than good. He made a mental note to try and stop touching himself. "You're gonna be alright. We're tough."


logical_red February 1 2010, 06:27:02 UTC
Same here. I think we all saw the fuckin' X, but it was like - like it fucking called to me...

[He manages a small snicker that doesn't end in a gurgle.] Oh, yeah. We're so fuckin' peachy, eh?


goggleboy03 February 1 2010, 06:30:27 UTC
"It its okay. For the best if its that way." He smiled a bit, somewhat vacantly.
"Heh...yeah. Continuing is what we do. When..." He didn't know how this Matt ended up at Whammy's, but he imagined it wasn't a good thing. Becoming an orphan never was. "...when Mello left. And now.
"You're not dead though. Not really. You might be able to change it."
He coughed again, and sank down to his knees. "Or survive after wards, at least."


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