Discovered In The Fairylights - 16th December - Fic Post no. 6

Dec 16, 2010 17:13

Leaving Home, by Hambel

Previous chapters on discoveredinalj:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Doyle stormed in through the front door and slammed it shut behind him, not caring if the door fell off its hinges, or even if the whole damned house fell down.

Bodie followed, confused. "What the hell was that all about? We were getting on well with the girls."

"I didn't want to go out with them on the first place!"

"Well, you might have said something! I thought you were feeling randy-"

"So what if I was? Doesn't mean I want to have it off with some tart you picked up for me, does it?"

"Tart?" Bodie spluttered. "That's rich. You're not exactly pure as the driven snow yourself."

"Yeah, well..."

"Saving yourself for someone, are you?"

Doyle was silent which only infuriated Bodie more.

"Look, Ray, it's no good thinking we can go back. Whoever she was, you have to forget her and move on."

"Forget?" Doyle choked. "That's a luxury we can't afford. We start forgetting, we make mistakes and bang!" He slammed his fist into his open palm. "I don't want to go back. I only ever wanted to go forward in my life, to move on!"

"Isn't that what we're doing?"


Bodie leaned back against the wall and folded his arms. "Ok, then, Sherlock," he snapped. What are we doing? Because, frankly, I haven't seen you come up with any good ideas yet."

That wasn't fair and Bodie knew it. Doyle's knowledge of police procedures had been invaluable in keeping them out of sight of the local bobbies and his undercover skills had talked them into more than one job when they hadn't had any official documents to back them up. At the moment, though, Bodie wasn't feeling particularly charitable and chose to take it out on the only person he could.

Doyle ran his hands through his hair. "We're in limbo, mate. We're not going forwards, we're not living, we're just existing. That's not you, and it's certainly not me."

"And what do you propose we do? Take down CI5? Take on MI6? I'm not interested, Ray. We got shafted and now all I want to do is live my own life. What you want is--"

"What I want..." Doyle breathed, looking at Bodie, strangely.

Disconcerted, Bodie uncrossed his arms and started to push himself away from the wall, but Doyle was quicker and grabbed Bodie's arms, pinning him to the wall. Bodie tried to protest, but Doyle's mouth was on his, and Doyle's lean body was pressing in all the right places against his.

He could have moved. Bodie had been trained in hand-to-hand combat and knew umpteen ways to throw off an attacker, some of which would render said attacker incapacitated for a while. Of course, Ray knew all of those moves too, and how to counter them, so just how effective any move would have been was anyone's guess.

And was he really in any danger from Ray Doyle? A man who'd seen him at his worst... and best? A man he would willingly lay down his life for? Since Cowley had partnered them nearly a decade previously, Ray had been Bodie's one constant in a life filled with inconsistencies.

Ray pulled back with a groan before Bodie could reciprocate in any way, and rested his forehead gently on Bodie's.


"Shh... Don't... I... Good night, Bodie."

Doyle turned and took the stairs to his room, his long legs unfaltering in their movements. Bodie stared after him, wondering what the hell just happened.

Next chapter.

hambel, fairylightshambel16th, fairylights

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