Discovered In The Fairylights - 16th December - Fic Post no. 3

Dec 16, 2010 13:03

Leaving Home, by Hambel

Previous chapters of Leaving Home on discoveredinalj:
Chapter 1

It wasn't until they had moved on to the third city that Doyle began to feel less jittery. He stopped seeing Willis in every shop doorway and stopped expecting Cowley to appear asking them to return to work with their names cleared and back pay waiting for them. He and Bodie shared a flat - it made sense financially, and if they had to leave in a hurry it was easier to clear out one flat than two. They were comfortable around each other and Bodie had always regarded Doyle's fridge as an extension of his own, especially when it was fully stocked.

Bearing the last sentence in mind, his statement one sunny Saturday morning really shouldn't have been much of a surprise to Bodie.

Doyle plonked a bag of groceries on the kitchen table. "Apparently, the two old biddies that run the post office think we're a couple of woofters," he said.

"Do they?" Bodie looked up.

"Yeah. And you know why?" Without giving Bodie a chance to answer, Doyle pressed on, "Go on, ask me why."

"Yeah, alright." Grudgingly. "Why?"

Doyle made a lot of noise switching the kettle on and looking for tea bags. "I dunno," he shrugged, banging the cupboard door shut and leaning against the worktop.

Bodie put down the newspaper he'd been reading. "I'll tell you why," he said, getting up and slinging an arm around Doyle's shoulder. "It's because you" -- he poked Doyle in the chest with a finger of his free hand -- "and I" -- here he pointed to himself -- "haven't been seen in the company of beautiful young women lately. And more importantly---"

"We haven't got laid," Doyle finished, gloomily.

"Correct! I propose we do something to remedy that quite soon. Tonight, in fact."

"Got anyone in mind?"

Bodie tapped the side of his nose, knowingly. "Leave it all to Uncle Bodie," was all he would say.

Doyle looked at him suspiciously. "You've already set something up," he accused. At Bodie's attempt to look innocent he said, "No, don't give me that look, Bodie. I want details."

Bodie sat down again, opening up his newspaper with a flick. "That would spoil the surprise," he smirked.

"The last surprise I had resulted in a death toll of four and us running for our lives," Doyle said, sharply. He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He didn't need to hear Bodie's hiss to know that he'd hit home.

"Sorry," he said, quietly. Bodie's knuckles were white where they gripped the newspaper and his mouth set in a hard line. Doyle switched off the boiling kettle and sat down at the table next to Bodie.

"Where are we meeting them, then?" he asked in an attempt at reconciliation.

"I said we'd pick them up at their flat. Go to a disco, have a meal and take them home again." Bodie's voice was flat. Doyle laid a hand on his forearm.

"And hope that our irrepressible charm is enough to get invited in for a nightcap," he finished, grinning.

Bodie relaxed, turning the page of his newspaper without dislodging Doyle's hand. "It hasn't failed us yet, sunshine," he said and nodded in the direction of the bathroom. "Go and get yourself tidied up then. You don't want to scare the girls off before we get a chance to use our irrepressible charm on them."

Doyle flicked him the v's and got up, still grinning, doing as he was told. Bodie watched him go, eyes narrowed and newspaper forgotten.

They needed the distraction.

Next chapter.

hambel, fairylightshambel16th, fairylights

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