Discovered In The Fairylights - 16th December - Fic Post no. 1

Dec 16, 2010 01:37

Good morning, one and all. I'm very happy to be participating again in this year's dialj extravaganza. Today I bring you fic what I wrote. It will be posted in around ten parts over the course of my day. The chapters are very short and can easily be read during a tea break *g*

Trailer info will be at the end of the last post, so if that's important to you please wait for that post before you start to read.


In the rooms and corridors that make up CI5 there are two names that are never spoken out loud. On stakeouts and minder duties, during the inactive periods that make these tasks a chore, new recruits are told in hushed tones the tale of a betrayal so deep and raw that one might expect there to have been bloodshed and death and talk of revenge.

Yet there was no bloodshed and nobody died. Two men left in the dead of night leaving behind friends and family and bank accounts that have remained untouched since that day. The story serves as a warning to new agents that no-one is indispensable, no matter how high their marks on the shooting range or how great the number of cases solved and lives saved.

The call signs of 4.5 and 3.7 have never been re-assigned. The Capris they regularly drove are still sitting in a corner of the CI5 garage as if waiting to be driven. Their flats have been stripped of every possession and remain empty as a reminder that even the good guys don't always play fair.

CI5 pretends the two men never existed. The people that work within the organisation ensure they are never forgotten. The story of how they took on CI5 and MI6 and lived to tell the tale is the stuff that legends are made of, and yet they've never told it.

The following is a mixture of conjecture, unofficial conversations and documented facts; the tale of two agents who left CI5 behind.

This is the story of Bodie and Doyle.

Next chapter.

hambel, fairylightshambel16th, fairylights

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