Discovered In The Fairylights - 16th December - Fic Post no. 5

Dec 16, 2010 15:16

Leaving Home, by Hambel

Previous chapters of Leaving Home on discoveredinalj:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Doyle was putting a casserole in the oven when he heard the familiar sound of tyres screeching on tarmac, closely followed a car door slamming and Bodie barrelling in through the front door of the house.

"We have to go," he announced, pulling a suitcase out from the under stairs cupboard and throwing in coats and jackets haphazardly. "I don't know how much time we've got."

"Why? What's happened?" Doyle asked, but he didn't wait for an answer. Bounding up the stairs two at a time, he began to pack up the upstairs belongings.

During the hour and a half it took them Bodie told Doyle of the day's events. Of how he'd seen an old lady beaten to the ground with her own walking stick by two young lads intent on stealing the pension money they'd just seen her withdraw. Bodie had scrabbled with one of them, knocked him unconscious and then waited with the pensioner for an ambulance to arrive. A policeman had turned up and tried to take down Bodie's details.

"You gave him the slip, though," Doyle stated, throwing the last case in the car, confident enough of Bodie's abilities.

"Yeah, but I'm sure I saw the nosey biddy from next-door-but-one. She's bound to tell the old bill where I live and if CI5 have circulated our descriptions-"

Doyle understood all too well. "Yeah, yeah. Better safe than--"

"-Dead," Bodie finished, grimly.

Doyle shot him a look. "All set?"

Bodie nodded. "Sorry about the casserole."

"It was steak and kidney, too," Doyle informed him, getting in the driver's seat. Bodie groaned at the thought of what he was missing.

As they turned out of Kestrel Road, Doyle saw in the rear view mirror a police car pulling up outside their house.

As soon as he got on the motorway, he floored the accelerator, taking them away to somewhere new.

Next chapter.

hambel, fairylightshambel16th, fairylights

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