Thu, 07:49: Went 7 days stuck wearing a catheter after surgery. Now my bladder can't go more than an hour without waking me up to go to the bathroom. I'm not sure which is worse at this point. I just want to sleep. 😴😴😴
First, I was a hostage to the catheter tube and attached bag. Now, I'm a hostage to being in close proximity to the nearest
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Sun, 19:09: I've been feeling really crappy all day. Dizzy and lethargic, with a killer headache. My BP has been high since Friday morning, and shows no sign of coming down.
I've been feeling really crappy all day. Dizzy and lethargic, with a killer headache. My BP has been high since Friday morning, and shows no sign
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Fri, 16:40: It has been 4 months since my birthday. I'm still waiting for my 50th Birthday Bash... Apparently, guys like me don't get to have Milestone Birthday Parties. Didn't happen at 16, 18, 21, 30,... Maybe if I manage to live to 60 someone will throw me a big party then... Yeah right.
Wed, 14:17: Had another dizzy spell a short whole ago. Per doctor's instructions, I immediately took my BP. BP: 116/82, HR: 73 That is lower than my usual, but does not seem low enough to explain the dizzy episode.
Had another dizzy spell a short whole ago. Per doctor's instructions, I immediately took my BP.
Wed, 16:46: I got my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine today. It did not go as smooth as planned. T+10 min my throat tightened up. T+15 min I started experiencing light headed dizziness & slight headache. T+35 minutes and I started developing a metallic nickel-like taste in my mouth. 🥴
The dizziness finally subsided enough
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Mon, 13:37: Not too shabby of a photo / selfie. I like the B&W. If anyone finds need of a recent photo, such as for an obit. or missing persons poster, I'm OK with you using this one.
Not too shabby of a photo / selfie. I like the B&W.
If anyone finds need of a recent photo, such as for an obit. or missing persons poster
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Tue, 23:28: T-Minus 8 Days till 50. Seriously!.. WTF? TBH, it has me depressed as S#!t. But I guess that's all a part of getting this old, huh? Shouldn't I be having a fun mid-life crisis, trying to party like I'm 21, or something crazy like that? Yeah right. Oh well, It is what it is.
Mon, 16:00: New goal for my 50th birthday: Actually make it to my 50th on the 17th. According to my new Dr., I'm at very high risk of having a stroke due to my blood pressure. I start BP Meds tonight, and go back for some lab work tomorrow. Today's BP reading was 182/108 😲😫☹
New goal for my 50th birthday: Actually make it to my 50th on the
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Wed, 23:59: Night #1 of trying to sleep with Breathe Right strips and a device to hold open my nasal passages. Fingers crossed…
Night #1 of trying to sleep with Breathe Right strips and a device to hold open my nasal passages. Fingers crossed that they help me not to snore (at least
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