WED 02 JUN 2021 14:17 PM - Another Dizzy Spell

Jun 03, 2021 12:00

  • Wed, 14:17: Had another dizzy spell a short whole ago. Per doctor's instructions, I immediately took my BP. BP: 116/82, HR: 73 That is lower than my usual, but does not seem low enough to explain the dizzy episode.

  • Had another dizzy spell a short whole ago. Per doctor's instructions, I immediately took my BP.

    BP: 116/82, HR: 73

    That is lower than my usual, but does not seem low enough to explain the dizzy episode.
    - D.Mullen (@digzmania) June 2, 2021

RECAP: I had anther dizzy spell while at work Wednesday afternoon. I started to get up from my desk to throw away some trash and make a restroom pit stop before my next call. Although I didn't black out like I did at the doctor's office on May 25th, I did get dizzy enough that I was feeling completely disorientated and couldn't get up to walk away from my desk. The episode lasted for quite a while.

I had just finished lunch not too long before this dizzy spell, so I am fairly confident that it was not blood sugar related. Unless my blood sugars had already bottomed out before I ate, I should have been fine in that regards. I immediately took my BP, as you can see in the tweet above.

Although that BP is considerably lower than my normal, it is not by any means too low. In fact, that is quite in line with what Karen's BP is every day.

I wish I knew what is causing these episodes, and what I can do to prevent them. One of these times, I'm not going to be sitting down, or at a doctor's office, when one occurs. I'm afraid that I'll have one while I'm navigating stairs, or working in the warehouse or at a customer site, or worse... driving.

twitter, health

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