Title: Luminosity Author: Deathless Juliet Rating: PG-13 Fandom: X Pairing/Characters: Fuuma/Kamui Disclaimer: X belongs to its brilliant creators, CLAMP. Theme: #21, "Think you're up to it?" Notes: For 30_smirks
Notes: I've given Yami a corporeal body in this, that develops sometime after Duelist Kingdom or Battle City, and I probably have some things crossed with the anime. It's been a long time since I read/watched YGO.
Title: Fallout Author: Deathless Juliet Rating: PG-13 Fandom: X Pairing/Characters: Fuuma/Kamui Disclaimer: X belongs to its brilliant creators, CLAMP. Theme: #20, Violence, War Notes: For 30_smirks
Title: Pulling the Strings Author: Deathless Juliet Rating: PG-13 Fandom: X Pairing/Characters: Fuuma/Kamui, Kakyou Disclaimer: X belongs to its brilliant creators, CLAMP. Theme: #28, Are you serious? Notes: For 30_smirks
Title: Scarlet Road Author: Deathless Wraith Rating: PG Word count: 102 Pairings or characters involved: Leon, D Notes: Response to #197, Cardinal Directions
Title: The Foreseeable Future Author: Deathless Juliet Rating: PG-13 Fandom: X Pairing/Characters: Fuuma/Kamui Disclaimer: X belongs to its brilliant creators, CLAMP. Summary: Choosing your future comes at a price you can't always afford. Theme: #22, Future Notes: For 30_smirks