I need Temperance Brennan to make my toast for me?

Feb 07, 2010 10:51

I am not cut-tagging this. LOLS FOREVER ENJOY

First of all: fuck you, Tumblr. What have you done to me? This post is your fault. I reblogged a thing about not really caring about LJ anymore, which led to me remembering "oh hey it's my anniversary sometime in February?" - which led to now, in which it is on Friday, AND I HAVE WORDS ABOUT THAT.


So on Friday, I (I? it? this?) turn 8. That's... weird.

I could probably be SUPER annoying and pull a "when I was a kid, we had invite codes for our Livejournals, and none of you hippie kids were around to complain about them!" routine. I won't. Oh, God, I've sort of ~lived through it all~, haven't I? All the fandom_wank. MY HED IZ PASTEDE ON YAY. Mother Russia is our new mommy. Livejournal is The Oppressor Of Totally Great Incest Fic. (I'm sure there are tons other fandom-specific landmarks I'm skipping over.) That time (times?) ohnotheydidnt honestly murdered whole servers. (That time ONTD was just a random comm anyone could join? I REMEMBER THAT.) I know that I think I belong to a mythical community that I actually only understand about 25% of (fandomsecrets teaches me this). You know what? You guys are awesome.

Like, it is not about the fic, or the icons, or the cut-tags, or the spoilers. Any of it. I mean, those things are nice. Sure. It's genuinely nice that someone actually takes the time to say, "10,000 words on Booth and Brennan having a baby? AWESOME," because then maybe I don't feel like such an asshole for... writing 10,000 words about said topic instead of, uh, going outside. But I think maybe the silver lining of it all - and has it taken Tumblr for me to realize this? - is that after 8 years, the greatest thing ever isn't that I am ~friends~ with OMG THE BEST SHEPPARD/WEIR WRITER ON THE INTERNET STARS AND RAINBOWS!!!!!!!!!!!! It's that I get to keep up with people I would genuinely call friends.

Um. I mean. Not to impose that label, but-

Hey, guys.

In many ways, I don't think I even realized that it was happening in 2004, with Stargate Atlantis. I mean, I'd been around the block by then, sort of, thanks to The West Wing and the lovelies that I am pointing to right now and going, "Y'all are awesome." (HI) To this day, fizzawrites and I still have absolutely no clue how we became friends, and since LJ was an infant back then, it will forever remain a mystery. Guys, S/W started as a yahoogroup - A YAHOOGROUP, and it feels stupid saying that in caps but A YAHOOGROUP OH HOLY ANCIENT INTERNET DEVICES WHAT IS THAT - so maybe I should have known that it sort of wasn't actually about the ship, or that icon, or who can write the best AU fic (who. fucking. cares.) - but finding people you like, who like the same things as you? Greatest. Ever. Knowing you have people who, if you're watching something interesting, or they're watching something interesting - eventually one of you will give in to said thing and then you can discuss? GREATEST. EVER. It's almost - all right. I'll say it. It's like my fandom is YOU. That we move from thing to thing, but remain the same, and... oh boy. Stop being poetic, Tahlia, this is just a... bad, bad road.


Fandom is weird. Fandom is weird, and it is strange, and not in any way a majority when it comes to Actual Accepted Critical Opinion so please do not let anyone tell you otherwise, but the point is - we stick together. [redacted argument about how Community is the only thing so far that understands us for real] We stick to our own. If I had a million dollars, I would steal you from your homes, deposit you in my luxurious mansion, and we would have the greatest Real World house ever. (Actual fact: it would probably take much more than this; I have to import some of you from Australia!) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA uh arrest me?

Roll call:
- To The West Wing
- To Stargate Atlantis
- To that time I defriended someone, and oh boy it was way more Epic than it should have been
- To that time notpoetry broke L&O fandom
- To that time I made L&O CI fandom
- To L&O SVU... existing (sort of?).
- To baggers and I secretly stalking each other for (no joke) two years, me becoming friends with literally EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON, before becoming actual friends
- To Bones (COME ON)
- To Lost (your success and elevation of us here obsessive fans also validates us as a people)
- To that time I accidentally spoiled aj for the finale of BSG S1 (YOUR FAULT)
- In that vein: to Billy
- To horrible surprise Photoshop
- To apocalypses
- To Ashes to Ashes; to Spooks, and Lynley and Wire In the Blood and The Thick of It and Doctor Who, and I swear to God, if there is British show alive that is vaguely all right, grenadine and I WILL WATCH IT. (Being Human? Have we done this yet?)
- To the Mike and Connie Show. YUP. Yup. We made that bit of L&O, too, and I am choosing to brag about that fact.
- To Spooks being the best thing ever that you are not watching, and if you think I didn't just manipulate five people into watching it this season so I could have more people to discuss with, you would be WRONG because I DID (mwahaha) (you're welcome) (don't think I'm not coming for you in S9).
- To Homicide (see above, past tense).
- To BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. To Mom & Dad, and that horrible finale, and I love that I understand like 5% of this Kara/Lee business.
- To never deleting my Livejournal, not even for fake dramatic reasons.
- To... The Pretender. You gave me a name that, for some ungodly reason, I've yet to change? Not even because I don't have another one, but somehow it just feels wrong.
- To that time I made hella awkward extended eye contact with Jack McBrayer at UCB
- To being at the taping of The Daily Show on Election Night 2009 (*brags*)
- To being at the taping of The Colbert Report in Philadelphia in which they epically messed up, then after leaving a comment detailing such on ALOTT5A that got linked EVERYWHERE (okay; two places), thus being fairly 100% certain she was the subject of the following week's "DON'T GO ABOUT BLOGGING THAT" joke in the monologue (*braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaags*)
- To delgaserasca - girl, how are we friends?! I don't remember.
- To Doctor Who S4 literally breaking me as a fundamental human being.
- To that time aj sent me Doctor Who DVDs she'd burned, saying, "WATCH THIS." (Also: Lynley, which took... far, far, far longer)
- To that time cereal's fic literally had the power to make me watch The Big Bang Theory.
- TO AUSTRALIA *waves*
- TO ENGLAND *waves*
- To Silverfire.net (*waves at corduroyskirt and luxamnesiac*!!!!)
- To Alias, and permissionslip who won't read this because she's too cool being normal, so I'll just text her about it and guilt her thusly.
- To... all of it. Crazy plant fic. To all of it.




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