the philosophical connotations of a baseball

Feb 09, 2010 22:41

AWESOME: a totally relevant and meta reason for using this icon.

ahahaha EPISODE TITLE, I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. (unintentional pun) S2: "What Kate Did;" season now: "What Kate Does." You thought you were being so clever with that one. That S2 episode was the one when he discovered what Kate's big ~crime~ was, wasn't it (*googles* ...yes), and so here the big reveal in the flashback/alternate reality is... Kate's sort of redemption? Maybe? Because she goes back for pregnant Claire after stranding her on the side of the road (gosh Kate, thanks) and then doesn't take her baby (THANKS KATE).

All right. I'm trying really hard to use the SCIFI EVERYTHING MUST MAKE SENSE part of my brain watching Lost, because I think that's what burned me about BSG, BUT. I HAVE TO SAY. Is it possible that the alternate universe is... hardcore unstable? You had Jack looking like he was having perpetual deja vu last week, that beat when Kate and Jack run into each other in the airplane bathroom. Now this week, Claire randomly calls her unborn son Aaron and then "can't remember why she said that"? Charlie last week: "I was supposed to die." Then you have the other things - yes, the plane lands, but Locke and Jack still find a way to meet (which, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't a pre-island coincidence that had happened before - in that, for all the times when all the pre-island storylines crossed over one another [Jack and Claire are siblings; Sawyer and Jack's dad in the bar, etc.] - JACK AND LOCKE never meet until the island). Kate and Claire still find a way to wind up together, tying Kate to Aaron in yet another universe (again, two people who never crossed paths, not even unknowingly, until the island). COULD IT BE THAT TIME IS LIKE "OH BITCHES, YOU DID NOT JUST TRY TO CHANGE ME WITH YOUR SILLY NUCLEAR BOMB." It would explain Desmond seeming to disappear (which right now, I'm putting that at 50% since it's impossible to tell if that's actual disappearing or just "lols and also, Desmond is here!" - see, BSG brain? rational thinking).



Other theories: Sayid is possessed by something, but instead of Jacob it is Smokey? Why can't Jacob do that when he dies? (This "loophole"?) Or is Smokey actually the Cylon God. Guys. I have to know.

Okay, what else?

FEELINGS. Right. I lied: Jack/Kate. I. WILL. BE. SAD. IF. THIS. DOES. NOT. HAPPEN. There, I have said it, and yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Kate/Sawyer seems to be over and done - Sawyer picked Juliet, and Sawyer loved Juliet, and now that Juliet is gone Sawyer is just Sad, end stop. For this, I'm glad (not for the sadness; THE SADNESS HURTS MY SOUL, BECAUSE JULIET IS GONE). Just - yeeeeeeeaaaahhhhhh.

I don't know. TALK TO ME.

(I want caps of that shot of Kate sitting on the porch in Othersville just as the sun is setting in golden time? Dear Tumblr, make this happen.)


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