Night 47: Main Hallway, 1-West

Feb 10, 2010 12:43

( from here. )There was the stairwell. Kairi couldn't help but smile to herself as she rounded the corner and spotted the familiar hallway, still shrouded in darkness like she remembered it. She could see down the hallway and slightly into the Sun Room from where she was standing, and she lowered her flashlight, not wanting whatever it was that ( Read more... )

rika, raine, kirk, sechs, naruto, klavier, meche, kagura, tenzen, bella, faith, kaito, aigis, leonard, beatrice, the doctor, sora, sam winchester, allen, claude, renamon, guybrush, hokuto, roland, teresa, lana skye, ruby, raphael, mello, xemnas, ange, albedo, hanyuu, guy, kairi, agatha, chekov, peter petrelli, nigredo, depth charge, kibitoshin, two-face, erika, edgar, tifa, the scarecrow, yomi, aerith, edward cullen, falis, ema skye, tyki, mccoy, spock, zack, kratos, hime

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Comments 292

chainsaw_royal February 10 2010, 23:26:03 UTC
[From here]

It was surprisingly quiet. It really seemed Hime had beat the crowd. Normally there were at least a few groups of patients milling about here but at the moment her flashlight only revealed a single girl. That singular presence was mildly suspicious, but so long as she remained where she was, Hime was content to stay by the patient doors and let her be.

The one night where she could literally take stock of almost the entire patient population as they came out those doors and she already had plans made. How ironic.


cursed_exorcist February 11 2010, 09:12:53 UTC
[from here]

It was easy for Kagura to locate Hime; having her flashlight on helped. Hime had a certain regal aura about her. That and there didn't seem to be too many other people confidently standing in the middle of the hallway.

"Hime," Kagura called out when she was a few meters away. After reaching her ally, Kagura scanned the area with her flashlight. You could never be too careful.


chainsaw_royal February 11 2010, 09:25:51 UTC
When Teresa passed by, Hime merely met the woman's greeting with a nod of her own, along with a slim, knowing smile. Well, perhaps they'd meet again tonight, perhaps not. The princess's attention went back to looking for those she was waiting for. It wasn't long before the first of two showed up ( ... )


scalyfishman February 11 2010, 09:30:57 UTC
[From here]

There. Right on time. And by the looks of the few patients scattered around the all, he hadn't been too late getting here, either.

But what he hadn't been expecting was to find himself looking at not just Hime, but another girl who was even smaller and even younger looking than she was. She was the other part of the team? Not that he doubted Hime's judgment, but, well... actually, he did. No wonder he was going to be filling the part of resident bulldozer tonight, neither of 'em looked like they could lift so much as a paperweight between them. And even if you could never tell with the people here what kind of powers they had...

Hmm. Too late to back out now. He'd just have to try and not be too obviously cynical, even if tact had never been his bag. Depth Charge swung the crowbar in his hand back up over his shoulder and approached the two of them with a grim nod. "You both ready?"


himetsuru February 11 2010, 05:55:51 UTC
[from here]Falis silently moved through the hallways, no light leading her. She didn't need it, not when she was hunting and there was ambient light around. She cast cursory glances at the two girls in the hallway, vaguely noting in the back of her mind how much the one looked like herself, but did not stop to speak with them. They weren't her target and they weren't a threat, so they were dismissed ( ... )


himetsuru February 12 2010, 04:12:20 UTC
Many had passed, but none were her prey. She had yet to see it emerge into the hallway she was watching. There was always the chance it would flee outdoors, though unlikely, so she decided to move into the first block. Peeling away from the wall, she silently moved down into the long hallway.

[to here]


number1smiley February 11 2010, 06:06:35 UTC
[from here]

Speaking of the blonde Royal, there she was waiting for her minions to show. Teresa gave Hime a knowing smile and raised her chin a bit in greeting as she strolled past the girl. Stopping at the stairwell closer to the center of the building, she leaned against the wall and crossed her arms, keeping the light trained at the floor.

Now, for Morgan to arrive. Until then, she'd keep an eye out for the minions of Hime's that would be joining the girl.


swornandbroken February 11 2010, 06:37:54 UTC
[From here]

Mello was glad to see Teresa already at their meeting place. He'd never gone in much for introspection, and was ill at ease simply waiting around. The many frustrations of being stuck in this shithole, while who the hell knew what was going on back home, could crowd his mind all too easily.

He gave her a nod and most of a grin as he approached. "Here we are again."


number1smiley February 11 2010, 14:16:36 UTC
Morgan was certainly punctual; Teresa liked that. It meant less time wasted waiting and more time being active.

"So it seems," she replied with a bit of a smile. Glancing down the hallway back toward the patient blocks, Teresa noted the two that had joined with Hime. A small nod to herself and she pushed herself up off the wall.

"It is down this way," she said, walking toward the other half of the building. "Tell me, what kind of locks do computers have?"


swornandbroken February 11 2010, 21:47:15 UTC
"An electronic lock that you need a password to open," Mello said, falling into step with Teresa. "Luckily, people often write it down and leave it sitting around." The possibility that this doctor had done so was slight, but he was focusing on that slim chance instead of on his lack of his own machine, and with it any software that would make cracking the password easier.

"Do you know anything about that radio station the doctor mentioned?"


sdatislife February 11 2010, 07:24:34 UTC
[From here.]

Shinji shuffled into the main hallway finally, flicking the beam of his flashlight around. For a moment it chased away the shadows, lifted the vague sense of being closed in on. Then the moment of comfort was past and he was standing alone in a decaying, decrepit hallway. He was surrounded by strangers, alone in a very hostile place. He shuddered and slid against one of the walls to wait and watch for a moment. Maybe someone he knew would come by.


vbyv February 13 2010, 08:59:05 UTC
[from here]Well, look at that. So this place was occupied, after all. Faith scanned the hallway, eyes narrowed. Weirder and weirder, man. Why them, why her, why any of this? There were too many questions. She didn't like it ( ... )


sdatislife February 13 2010, 21:21:14 UTC
Shinji had been mentally resigning himself to another night spent curled up in one corner of this miserable hallway. He hadn't seen anyone he knew and he didn't particularly feel like striking out on his own. It came as a complete surprise to him that someone would actually notice him and decide he was worthwhile to talk to. He stared at faith for a moment, flabbergasted. He finally came back to himself and stammered out a reply, shrugging his shoulders.

"...I... well... I guess so."

That was about as close to the truth as anything else. This hallway was kind of freaky after all. Not to mention the whole alone and scared thing (although, really, the worst he'd run into was peeling linoleum in his two nights here thus far).


vbyv February 13 2010, 22:57:44 UTC
One eyebrow quirked as she waited for him to find his voice. What was someone like him doing here, anyway? He had to have been planning on going somewhere, otherwise, why leave his room?

But it wasn't her job to read his mind.

"Well." Faith ran a hand through her hair and turned around, eyeing the darkened hallway. "Maybe you can help me, then. Like, say, where we are, for starters."

Please tell me we're still in America. Or, Canada would be okay, too. Just...not too far. She didn't want to find out she'd slipped and fallen into Uganda or something. Or an alternate dimension, that was always possible, too.

Still, she was pretty sure she could rule that out. There was usually swirly, dramatic stuff when a hole in the world opened up and she didn't remember seeing anything swirl.


scintillatingly February 11 2010, 09:56:51 UTC
[From here.]

As Sora neared the stairs, he could barely believe what he saw. He was used to always being the first of his group to make it to this spot, so the fact that Kairi had gotten there first was a serious shock. Had she run all the way here or something? It wasn't fair!

Still, there was no sign of Riku, which at least meant he wasn't last. Sora couldn't blame his friend for taking a bit longer to get here, and that counted even more so if his room was further away. That didn't mean he wouldn't tease him about it, though. Especially when he'd been talking so big at lunch.

On a more serious note, he hoped that Riku realized that severity of this situation sooner rather than later. It might cost him otherwise, and that was the last thing Sora wanted.

But even more startling than Kairi's presence was what she was holding. His flashlight caused the blade to glint brightly, forcing him to lower it.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed. "Where'd you get that?" But as Sora got closer to the girl and got a better look, he realized that the ( ... )


kingdomless February 11 2010, 17:42:59 UTC
"Sora!" Kairi smiled when her friend came into view, and she looked down at the sword that her friend had mentioned. "Ta da!" she sang, her smile turning into a grin. "Isn't it great? I remember the last night I was here I was ... upset over Rukia's disappearance ... but in my loss I knew I had to hide her weapon and everything else she had. Don't you remember? I hid the sword under my bed, and I guess when I fell asleep it moved with me ( ... )


scintillatingly February 12 2010, 09:18:05 UTC
Of course he remembered. As Kairi jogged his memory, Sora was quick to nod. "Yeah, I know! It is pretty weird that it stayed with you this whole time..." The institute worked in mysterious ways more often than not, so he guessed they should just be glad that it had smiled on them this once. Then again, Mr. Landel had also seen fit to bring his friends back to him, so things had been going his way lately. Maybe it was to make up for the zombies and brainwashing and everything else ( ... )


antiheroed February 12 2010, 09:31:51 UTC
[from here]For the most part, he had jogged the entire way, be slowed down as he hit this new hallway, which was filled with numerous people. In the distance, Riku saw Shinji standing around, but it didn't seem like the right time. As much as he knew that guy couldn't handle himself, he needed to get to his friends. The bulletin board seemed like a good place to check up on him, and honestly, it didn't seem like anything could bother him if he was out here. That didn't make Shinji's presence any less surprising; he didn't seem like the type of guy who would risk going out at night. Maybe he was trying to prove something himself, after all ( ... )


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