chapter 12

Sep 25, 2006 00:21

Live and Die Alone
*Link to other pages at the bottom

Chapter 12

“Can I talk to you a min?” Stephen said.
“Sure, I guess so.” Angel said. She followed him into the front of the bus, which seemed to have become his sanctuary. He spent a lot of time there even when he wasn’t driving. He would crank up the radio and read or surf the net on Angel’s laptop. She always let him use it whenever he wanted.
“I’ve been thinking.” He said
“uhhohh.” She said and smiled.
“No really, we aren’t going anywhere and the money we have cant last forever so I thought we could go to a place, my aunts house to be exact, it’s a farm. Her and my uncle have had it sense way before I was born and I just thought it would be something to think about.” He said and looked at Angel waiting for her to reply.
“Well, will they mind this many people intruding on them?” She said
“No they wouldn’t mind at all, they love me.” He said and smiled. The truth is that he missed them. ”Well, it seems like a good idea, we could ask the guys what they think.” She said and turned to go ask Gerard when a familiar notebook hidden between the seat and the wall of the bus caught her eye.
“What the fuck?” She said looking at Stephen suspiciously.
“What?” He said That’s mine, how did you get it?” She said and snatched it from where it hid.
“Oh god, umm, I don’t know?” He said but she could tell he knew full well. She remembered the night that Gerard and Frank had been in the room and what they had done.
“You showed them that story didn’t you?” She said His eyes got big at that, how did she know that?
“Yea I guess I did, I’m sorry, really, I just thought it was funny.” He said She continued to look at him, She was angry but then all the shit that had happened to them made this seem like nothing. So she decided to let it go.
“Its ok, I don’t get why you took it but I guess its ok.” She said after a few minutes in silence.
“Lets go see what they say about your idea.” She said.
“Yea, sure, I really am sorry.” He said and caught himself before he took her hand in his. Its funny, he knows they are friends and him taking her hand would have been nothing to her, but because it would have meant something to him he stopped himself.
“Its ok, really.” She said. Then she took him by surprise and hugged him. He was visibly shaken by the hug but thankfully Angel didn’t notice. She just turned and walked into the bus where the guys were as if it was no big deal.
“A farm?” Mikey said.
“Yea a farm.” Angel said with a grin. Mikey’s reaction was a mix between shock and awe.
“Like with cows and animals and such?” Frankie said.
“Yea, I believe that’s what it means when you say farm.” Stephen said with a giggle himself.
“I don’t know, it could be nice on a farm.” Bob said and they all looked at him with amused expressions.
“Yea its pretty and peaceful and the whole town is a farm town, mostly old fashioned back woods farmers.” Stephen said and shrugged. In the end they all decided it was the best thing to do. They left for the farm early the next morning.
“They have horses!” Audra exclaimed.

A beautiful wooden fence that seemed to go on forever enclosed them. The house stood proudly at the end of the drive.
“Hello.” Annabel said as they entered the door. They all instantly loved her as she showed them her home.
“There are so many rooms that you should all go and pic one out.” She smiled at them loving the idea of the company. She had missed Stephen and it had been a long time sense there were lots of people that she could take care of.

A red van pulled into the little store and Frankie had only glanced at it for a split sec. not thinking anything of it after that. Bob and Mikey were already in the store. He liked this place it was peaceful and people were kind. He had thought there may be a kind of prejudice about his tats when they had first told him it was a farm town and that most of the people were ‘old fashioned backwoods farmers’ to quote Stephen, but they were nice people and everything was sweet smelling and beautiful, except maybe the stables. He smiled to himself at the thought. He decided that he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else sense he couldn’t play. Not being able to play was taking a toll on him but this place helped a little. Well he could play, but playing in a room with a few people or alone just isn’t the same as playing for a crowd. Him and the guys had begun coming to this little rickety store every morning. They had fresh coffee and made the best omelets. There was even a waitress named Maybell. She always smelled like bacon and lilacs. She knew them all by name and offered a huge smile when the boys walked through the door every morning. It had been 4months sense they moved in with Wally and Annabel Cramer. Stephens Aunt and Uncle. They had walked to this store every morning after they found it. Well sense Stephen took them there, even tho it was two miles away from the farm, they enjoyed the simplicity of all of it.

The building itself looked like it would fall in on itself, when you walked across the porch. The ground underneath was visible and it cause Frankie to take his steps carefully expecting the floor to give at any moment.
“Frankie, good morning.” Maybell said as he walked up to the little bar that served as the only seating in the tiny store. Bob and Mikey were already seated. Maybell was pouring coffee for Frankie, she handed it to him with a warm smile. He gratefully took it.

Gerard opened his eyes to find Angel still curled up with her head buried in his chest sound asleep. He stretched and smiled looking at her sleeping face. He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at him.
“Morning, love.” She said
“Morning.” He said. Angel could never resist him when he grinned at her. She kissed his lips and ran her hand along his chest. She let her hand run into the soft cotton pants that he slept in and heard the moan escape his lips as she caressed him. His hand slid down her back and cupped her pulling her into him. Her body trembled as their bodies entwined. She couldn’t think of a better way to wake up. She placed little kisses all the way down his chest and then needed to feel his lips again so she kept kissing his chest going back up towards his mouth and when he kissed her back she could feel the heat getting more intense.

His body tensed in mid kiss. He just stopped moving. She opened her eyes and sat back to look at him. He was frozen it seemed.
“What’s wrong?” She said, silently begging him to move. Fear rushed through her taking her breath with it.
“Oh my fucking god, no!” She could tell he had meant it to be a yell but it had been not much more than a breath. If she hadn’t been an inch from his face she wouldn’t have been able to understand the words. He looked at her and she could see that he was terrified. His eyes also had a deep sadness flooding into them. And that’s when she noticed a tear falling carelessly down his cheek.
“We have to go, now.” He pulled her up with him.
“No time to get anything, just go strait to the car.” He was shoving her toward the door.
“What about Audra? She’s still asleep, do I go get her?” Tears were falling down her face too, even tho she had no idea what was happening. She knew it was bad, and she had a suspicion it would get worse.
“No, we don’t have time for that, but she’ll be fine. We did what we had set out to do with her. She will have her baby.” As the words were coming from him, he was still pushing her towards the door. She let him lead her. She did as he said and they ran to the car.
“I’ve gotta get to Frankie. Oh god, Frankie needs us.” He said more to himself than to Angel.
“Frankie? What’s wrong Gee? Please tell me what’s happening.” She said ignoring the tears that were still sliding down her face. He was franticly driving towards the store. Then he saw Frankie, behind a tree in the edge of the woods. He hit the horn but Frankie had already seen the car coming and was in a full run strait towards them. He jumped in and lay on his back across the seat as if he were exhausted. Angel new better than to think the run had tired him. They didn’t get tired like she did. They needed sleep, but it wasn’t from being tired.
“What’s all over you?” She said with a start when she noticed that he was covered with a thin layer of what seemed to be ash or soot. As if he had been cleaning someone’s chimney.

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gerard way, my chemical romance, frank iero, mikey way, ray toro, bob bryar

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