chapter 11

Sep 24, 2006 00:20

Live and Die Alone
*Link to other pages at the bottom

Chapter 11

3 weeks had passed and they had had no signs of anyone coming for them. Angel woke up with a scream hanging on the tip of her lips. The dream that had caused it was still playing in her mind. In the dream it had been Gerard that was touched instead of Ray. Tears were sliding down her cheeks so she wiped them away letting her eyes rest on the sleeping figure next to her. She took a deep breath and reached out to touch his face. Brushing a stray hair back on his forehead she let her fingertips caress the skin of his cheek. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and pull him to her and even tho she knew he wouldn’t mind she also knew he needed more sleep than he had gotten so instead she groggily climbed from the bed and pulled herself to her feet. She stretched and let out a silent yawn and walked towards the front of the bus to get some coffee. They had decided it was best just to stick to campsites and truck stops since their money needed to be stretched. They no longer had a credit card that they could use. If they used Angel’s or Stephens they may be found to easily. But they still had enough to survive for a while.
“Mornin.” Stephen said
“Hi.” Angel said and yawned again. He was usually up when she got up.
“Howed ya sleep?” He said.
“Ok I guess.”
“Cream n sugar, right.” He said and pushed the steaming cup to her.
“Yes.” She said and smiled, it never failed, he always had a cup of coffee for her when she got up and it was always hot as if he had just gotten it.
“What exactly are we doing?” Stephen said suddenly looking at her.
“What do you mean?” She said
“I mean we haven’t had a real destination in weeks, we are just… you know, we aren’t going anywhere.”
“I know.” She said and let a sigh escape her.
“There really isn’t anywhere to go now, you know that. You can leave if you want, we’d miss you, but really it’s ok if you just go home.” She said.
“No, I don’t wanna leave, I just was wondering, is there a plan or do we just wing it.” He said and smiled, he shifted in his seat suddenly uncomfortable with the conversation that he had started.
“We’re winging it.” She said and laughed.
“Hey guys.” Audra said as she came from her bunk and sat down.
“Hey sweetie.” Angel said.
“Hey kid.” Stephen said.
“Bagels, please tell me there are bagels?” Audra said and yawned walking to the small fridge in the middle of the small so called kitchen.
“Just for you, doll, bagels and cream cheese.” Stephen smiled and pointed to the basket of bagels on the counter. As Audra sat down to enjoy her bagel that was lathered with cream cheese just as girl appeared from the back. Her bright red hair was disheveled about her head. She seemed shocked that anyone else was in the bus.
“Oh, hello.” She said and stood by the opening looking at Angel and then Audra, and finally at Stephen. Audra and Angel looked at each other with the same questioning look. They hadn’t had a clue that anyone else was in the bus or when she had gotten there.
“Hi, I’m Angel, come sit and have coffee and bagels umm and you are?”
“Crystal, and no thanks. I am really late. I have to go.” She grabbed a jacket that was draped over a chair that had been unnoticed until then. She held one shoe in the other hand as she fought it onto her foot on the way to the door. Just then Audra laughed out loud. Angel gave her a sideways smile. Both of them knew what the other was thinking. ‘Who had Crystal stayed with all night?’ That question was answered just before the girl stepped out the door and disappeared to wherever she had to be.
“Tell Frank I had fun and to give me a call if he’s ever around here again.” She said with a grin and left the bus.
“Frankie!” Audra said and began to giggle.
“Shhhhhhhh.” Angel said but she began to giggle to. Stephen just rolled his eyes. Audra quieted her giggle but let it continue.
“What?” Came a voice from the doorway. Audra looked up to see Frankie come in and her giggle turned into a full belly laugh. He just looked at her with a puzzled frown. A loud knock on the door made Angel jump in her seat.
“Maybe Crystal missed you.” Audra said with a laugh as she went to open the door.
“Oh, Crystal, now I get it.” Frank said with a little embarrassed laugh.
“Did you forget something?” Angel said as she opened the door fully expecting to see the bright red haired girl standing on the other side. Instead there was a man in a suit standing there looking up at her. He pushed his way past her without a sound or explanation.
“Angel, I presume?” He said once he was past her and standing just behind her inside the bus. He looked at the others standing around and nodded at Audra.
“You need to go home to your parents, they are very worried.”
“Who are you?” Frankie said. Looking cautiously at the intruder.
“I know what you are.” The man said looking at Frank with a clearly discussed expression splashed across his face.
“Again, just who the fuck are you?” Frankie said
“Someone who will stop you, that’s who I am.” Ian said. Knowing full well he wasn’t going to be able to leave with anyone. He had wanted to know just what was happening and decided the only way to find out if the girls were still alive was to go see for himself.
“Get out of here, now.” Frankie said and stepped closer to him.
“We will stop you. You must know that.” He said and tried to hide the fear that had begun to course through him.
“Audra, you can come with me, I’ll take you home. They can’t make you stay here any longer.” He locked eyes with the girl.
“You think they are forcing me to stay? Are you crazy? No, I’m not going anywhere, I am keeping my baby, and you tell my mom that. You tell her that she’s not murdering it!” Audra had begun to cry. She was trembling at the thought that this man might take her back to them and she would have to let them do what they wanted. Her feet had been frozen in their place the whole time, now she backed away from him and ran into the back of the bus.

The sounds from the front of the bus woke Gerard he got out of bed and went towards the front of the bus. Just then Audra ran into him. Tears streaming down her cheeks she reached out and embraced him in mid step. He took her into his arms and stroked her hair. That’s when he saw the man standing by the door. Frank was inches from the man ordering him to leave. The man was obviously taken aback by what Audra had said.
“Get out now, or I’ll throw you out.” Frankie said. Stepping even closer to the man. Ian knew when he had pushed to far so he turned towards the door. HE turned the knob and started out the door.
“We’ll figure out how to get to you, I promise you that, you shouldn’t be here. You can’t be aloud to live.” Frank shoved him the rest of the way out the door and slammed it as Ian landed on the ground on his knees. He quickly stood up and sprinted to his car afraid that the door may open and the thing that slammed it would come out and rip him apart. Angel was still in her chair. A tear slid down her cheek and she looked at Frankie standing by the door and then at Gerard still in the hallway with his arms wrapped around Audra.
“He’s wrong isn’t he? Please tell me he’s wrong.” She couldn’t control the flood of tears as they overtook her. The dream that had awakened her rushed into her head. Mikey and Bob were up standing behind Gerard.
“Who was that?” Mikey said.
“I’m not sure, but now we know for sure that they know where we are.” Gerard said. Angel looked at the man she loved and saw fear behind his beautiful eyes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gerard was outside the hotel when Ian got there. He listened as Ian told him about what had happened.
“You did what?” Gerard said.
“I was on their bus, I saw the girls that are with them, and there’s a man too.” Ian said.
“Oh wow. The girls, they are ok?” He said.
“Yes they seemed ok to me.”
“Who’s the man with them?” Gerard said
“We aren’t sure but we’ll know soon.” Ian said.
“So, I was told you have a plan to get to them.” Gerard said
“Yes, I do, and I think it will work.” He said.
“Can you tell me what it is?” Gerard said
“No, I cant, I’m sorry but they know what you know, at least a lot of what you know so none of you can know or it wont work.” Gerard didn’t like not knowing what they were going to do but it made sense so he agreed to go along with what Ian told them.
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gerard way, my chemical romance, frank iero, mikey way, ray toro, bob bryar

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