I'm just tinkering around the house today, and it's getting cold - I want some soup! I have some smoked ham leftovers that I need to use up, so I was thinking some ham and bean soup would be yummy. I have pinto beans and great northern beans available (precooked/canned - hey, you make due with what you've got
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Will you share your favorite recipe that is good as leftovers? My husband works nights until 3-4 am and so I make his dinner during the day and he reheats it when he gets home.
The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found. -Calvin Trillian( b. 1935
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I was watching Jacques Pepin, when he was creating a batter to dip and fry apple slices. He put all his dry ingredients together and then added a tiny bit of soda water and used a Whisk to blended. he said by whisking it this way, you beat out all the little tiny "globbie" pieces that you would get if you poured all the liquid into the dry
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Lately my boyfriend and I have been bad at finishing leftovers so this week I was determined to stretch everything I possibly could. I had leftover pie dough (I really like Aida Mollencamp's recipe) so I just used my mini muffin tin and par-baked the dough. Then added leftover deli ham with swiss cheese in some, provolone in the rest, some salt so
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I've just been reminded (by eating it) of another of my favourite ultra-quick recipes for using up what's in the fridge. In this case, I first met it when doing medieval cookery, so here behind the cut is the original - well, a translation from fifteenth century French for the longer of the two versions.
I'm looking for easy to make, budget friendly dinners that also double as amazing leftovers for lunch. Nothing too heavily spiced as my dad doesn't like that, but other than that, I'm totally open.
I was at a party this weekend and ended up with a bag of assorted savory bagels (onion, garlic, rosemary, tomato basil, whole wheat, cornmeal, salt, etc
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