Title Click Theme October 23: Forcefully shoot at my heart; let everything return to zero in that burst of sound. Character/Pairing Hayato Gokudera, Haru Miura Rating PG Wordcount
Title Shared, but Separate Loneliness Theme October 22: Who still remembers who first said "I'll love you forever?" Character/Pairing Haru Miura, Hayato Gokudera Rating PG Wordcount
Title Kaeru [Eng. to go home; also, with different kanji, to change] Theme October 19: I listen to the wind from the trains and the bustle @ 31_days Character/Pairing Haru Miura Rating PG Wordcount
Title Bygones Theme October 18: I miss the impulse of wanting to love you after we argue @ 31_days Character/Pairing Takeshi Yamamoto, Hayato Gokudera Rating G Wordcount
Title Children Theme October 17: Want to ask why I'm no longer your happiness @ 31_days Character/Pairing Tsunayoshi Sawada, Hayato Gokudera Rating G Wordcount
Title Volumes Theme October 16: In the moment the rainbow and the horizon disappear @ 31_days Character/Pairing Hayato Gokudera Rating PG-13 or T Warning None. Wordcount
Title Clearing the Air Theme October 15: We are all the looks of one person, plus another person @ 31_days Character/Pairing Hayato Gokudera/Haru Miura Rating PG-13 or T Warning None. Wordcount
Title Questions Theme October 14: He has tasted the bland and the complex, the good and the bad @ 31_days Character/Pairing Hayato Gokudera/Haru Miura Rating PG-13 or T Warning None. Wordcount ( 'I'm not angry,' she says. )