So... I don't know what it is, but there's a moment in the year when I think that I feel like trying to go and suffering through some subbing, and that time has come, for 2023, finally hahaha
It's been so long~ LOL, well, yes, I have a bunch of unfinished projects, especially from SZ, I just start them, and switch from one to another never finishing them, so I was really ... let me continue in the cut!
Hi! I don't even remember when was that I did this last time! But because I had my little Winter break, I was able to do this, actually to finish this. And, I'm so sad that my break is almost over, it was way too short!!
Hi hi hi! It's been a while since I do one of these pointless posts here... well, without a certain "content" and I think it's okay to do it like from time to time, after all, it's my journal... I guess, let's dive in~
Hello, again, now, I'm here for Fuma's song, this is a song I love for different reasons, but when it comes to him, I'm usually biased because I'm so in love with his voice! So, let's see how long it takes for me to do this entry~
I love this song, okay? That's it, that's my reason, I've been in a sort of a break, I'm trying to get back to planning, is that the right verb? my classes, or better said, preparing my classes for after the break at school, but...I can't seem to find the motivation...or the will, IDK!! ( Okay, I'll talk, meaning I'll ramble a lot... and I love this it. )
Again, I'm running out of time, and now it's raining, I guess? and I have a weird tingling in my wrist, I'm afraid it's something to do with my tendons! Anyway, why am I rambling??? This post is just to justify why I am NOT biased, at all! ( Fuma-kun! you're too young to be so nostalgic! )