Hi mina :]
So .. finally, I finsihed this chapter. I'm really sorry I took so long! I forced myself today to finish it because starting tomorrow I'll work and because I'll start early and come home late I don't have time to write any further I think. And because I'm going afterwards to Sarah, I'll have even less time to write. So, I tried to finish another chapter ne ~ On my week-ends, I don't have time, either. I work two weeks. I think I can't publish a new chapter in this time, ne. I really hope you enjoy this chapter! I wasn't motivated the last days to write on. And the story gets more complicated >__< I spend some hours for this xDD Because I wasn't sure with my ideas. Uwah, gomen, I shouldn't talk so much ~
Have fun reading!
Title: Forever Yours (Chapter 5)
cherrylady6Rating: PG
Pairing: RyoTego, TegoMassu, hinted KoyaShige
Summary: NEWS have a performance. But somethings goes wrong and Ryo leaves unhappy to be alone. But although he thought, he isn't alone...
A/N: This chapter is still unbeta-ed because I didn't want to bother Biggy with this because she's already working ne.
Also, I rushed this chapter a bit because I tried to finish it fast today. So, I'm sorry if it's not good and also sorry for the mistakes.
Chapter 1 //
Chapter 2 //
Chapter 3 //
Chapter 4 Forever Yours .. ♡
Chapter 5
“Guys? We have fifteen minutes until our performance!”, shouted Yamapi while he looked for the other members.
Ryo entered the room with an unfriendly mine and bashed his mobile phone on the sofa.
“Another call?”, asked Yamapi calm. By now all members noticed that something was wrong with Ryo’s behaviour after his calls. But he didn’t talk with anyone about them.
“Hai”, answered Ryo short and sat down on the sofa. He was already dressed up for the stage.
Littly by little all of the members appeared and waited for their performance in the bandroom.
Suddenly Massu jumped up and walked towards his jacket on the wardrobe. He pulled out a little box.
“Tegoshi? I’ve got something for you! I baked some cookies. Your favourite sort. I brought them with me. Would you like to try one?”
“Why not?”
“Sorry, Massu, but I don’t want to eat something before the performance. I’ll eat them when I’ve done well, okay? It’s like my prize.”
Massu nodded with a light smile but Tegoshi noticed his disappointment. But he wasn’t able to say a word to cheer his best friend up. Why couldn’t he say something?
“Alright, NEWS, your appearance is coming!”, shouted a staff and the six guys walked towards the entrance.
They arranged themselves in a circle and put their hands together in the middle. Then Yamapi counted ‘Ichi, Ni, San’ and all of them shouted loud “NEWS!”.
After that Ryo turned to Tegoshi and looked at him mystical.
“Tegonyan, take this”, smiled Ryo and gave him a little dancing character. “A talisman.”
“Hai. Arigatou, Nishikido-kun”, said Tegoshi. He was surprised of Ryo’s kindness. He looked so sad. His eyes didn’t shine like he was happy.
“Ganbatte. Do your best! Show me that you practiced hard”, added Ryo.
Tegoshi wanted to answer but the staff called “Okay! GO!” and in the next moment Tegoshi found himself going through the door into the studio.
The music started and NEWS began to dance. Tegoshi could feel Ryo’s gift in his hand before he put it into his pocket.
I’ll never lose it. Never, never! I’ll always have it with me, thought Tegoshi. And he felt as he was the best dancer in the world …
* * *
Ryo wasn’t able to control his legs. Although he knew every single step it seemed to him as he never learned the dance. His legs did what they wanted to do. For a while he kept on fighting and tried to manage the right dance. But then he gave up and closed his eyes.
I just can’t help it.
Tegoshi was dancing right behind Ryo. He felt amazing. He has closed his eyes and danced without looking. He felt every movement, every single step he did and it felt so good because he knew that he did everything right. After a few seconds he opened his eyes to look at Ryo and to thank him in his thoughts. But Tegoshi’s smile disappeared as he followed the steps of Ryo. He was completely out of the rhythm. Now it was time to change positions. Tegoshi stepped forwards and changed a look with Ryo as he turned to the back. His eyes were looking into Tegoshi’s direction but the look was empty.
It seemed to Tegoshi that the performance ended after ages. They had done hardly their last step as Ryo walked towards Yamapi whispered something in his ear.
The applause and the thrilled calls didn’t reach Tegoshi. He was only able to look after Ryo who was about to leave the studio.
What happened?
* * *
Embarassing! Ryo had only one thought. I ruined the whole performance.
Immediately after the performance he went to Yamapi and told him that he is going to leave. Yamapi was okay with it and so Ryo left the studio as fast as he could. He had felt the looks of Massu and Tegoshi on his back. But he couldn’t have stayed longer in there after his wrong dance.
He closed the door behind him and looked at the white wall.
It was all over.
* * *
The members of NEWS sat on a sofa in the studio. It was talk time and the two moderators asked their stupid questions like always.
Tegoshi wasn’t there in his thoughts. He could hear Yamapi talk but that seemed so far away. What was Ryo doing right now? Tegoshi adjusted his hat. Maybe Ryo ..
“ ..., ne Tegoshi!?”
He looked surprised at the host who asked him a question.
“I asked you why you are the only one who wears a hat today, Tegoshi!”, repeated the host.
“See, he can’t hear properly with this thing on his head”, laughed the other host.
Tegoshi had to play act. So he laughed out lout about the joke before he answered:
“I like wearing hats. So, why shouldn’t I?”
“He really does”, added Yamapi and smirked.
They talked on about their costumes and Tegoshi tried to follow the chat but it was hard for him because his thoughts always went back to Ryo.
“Eh, where’s Ryo?”, asked the host. “I didn’t notice that he wasn’t there all the time.”
“He doesn’t feel good”, answered Tegoshi without thinking. He was shocked as he heard himself speaking but he wasn’t able to stop himself. He could feel Massu’s look from the side but he didn’t care. Even if it was normally Yamapi’s task to answer questions like these Tegoshi had the right to protect Ryo. And he had told the truth!
“Tell him to get well soon, okay?”, said the host. “I don’t remember that Nishikido Ryo was ill any time since NEWS was formed!” He had turned to his partner.
“Alright, I can’t remember, either.”
He was ill, thought Tegoshi smiling. Mononucleosis. Kissing disease.
He’ll never forget it. He never saw Ryo that weak. And because of this medicine Tegoshi was in the hospital. Because he took the wrong medicine. The medicine which he was given from...
Tegoshi’s look swayed to Massu. Massu noticed his gaze and smiled at him.
I can’t blame him.
* * *
Ryo stood for a while beside the entrance door. But then he decided to search for a room where he could think about his momentar life clearful. With slow steps Ryo walked down the corridor from the studio. This was the production compartment in the apartment. Every door led to a new studio. And every door had a small round glass in it to look who was in it. While Ryo passed by he looked in the glasses. At the third door he saw someone and stopped to gaze through the glass. He noticed a tall person with short brown hairs but he could only see the persons’s back. He stared some time through the glass until the man turned around. Ryo recognized immediately the character: Taguchi! It felt good. Looking through the glass. It deflected him from his own problems. Where were the others? Ryo stared into the room. Jin appeared. He was lightly to recognize. In the majority of cases he had tied a rag around his hips. He was one of his best friends and Ryo was very happy about that. Jin walked with his boots over the stage. They seemed to have a break.
Maybe I should talk to someone? Jin is in another band. I’m not forced to see him every time. Would it be good to share my problems … ?
Jin looked in his direction. Ryo wasn’t able to step back and his friend recognized him at once. With an ironical smile he waved to Ryo. He couldn’t help and smiled.
Ryo saw that Taguchi was about to turn around to see who’s staring through the glass and Ryo stepped fast forward so that no one could see him through the transparent circle.
Where should I go?, he asked himself as he was heading forward. As he was about to turn left and take the next corner he could hear some noice. Voices. Ryo looked back and noticed that the doorlob was pressed down. As fast as he could he turned around the corner and gazed at the corridor.
I need a room which is empty!, he thought hurried. He looked at all doors and considered. Then his eyes got caught by the door of the storage room. Without thinking he opened it and entered the room. It was completely dark but that didn’t bother Ryo. He closed the door quietly before he slid down on the wall until he sat on the ground. He could hear that the voices became louder with every second.
That was a close shave, Ryo!
* * *
NEWS were finished with their talk and walked out of the studio. The talk had exposed some funny storys like always and the members were discussing them loud.
“I’m really looking forward for your birthday, Shige, believe me!”, laughed Yamapi and punched Shige lightly.
“But you really never returned something”, chuckled Shige and looked at Koyama for certification.
“Hai, and we were so accurate at picking out your present”, answered Koyama and tried to look serious.
“Eh? Don’t lie, Koyama!“ Yamapi raised smirking his forefinger to warn Koyama.
* *
Ryo could hear the members passing by.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
* *
“Tegoshi, you promised to try my cookies! Onegai, here!”
“Arigatou, Massu.” Tegoshi looked at the cookie and bit a piece off.
“Umai!! Massu, you’re a great baker!”, shouted Tegoshi. Massu smiled happy.
“Eh? Massu? Don’t you want me to try one, too?”, Koyama asked.
Massu laughed and gave his friend some cookies.
“Sorry, Koyama, I would have given you some. For sure.”
Tegoshi stood up a few moments later and headed to left the room.
“Tegoshi!”, he heard Koyama. “Don’t be so selfish as always and go without telling us where you are heading for!”
Tegoshi didn’t turn around but smiled. “Toilet!”, he answered and closed the door behind him. He’ll never understand why going to the toilet without permission is selfish ..
Ano .. where can I find Ryo?
* * *
Ryo’s head was resting on his knees. What should he do now? He was the perfect Ryo without any problems. And now he had shown them to the whole world because he couldn’t dance properly!
“Damn!”, he shouted into the silence.
But there wasn’t only silence. Ryo noticed short breaths. He headed his eyes into the direction of the breaths. He felt the presence of someone else in the room. And he could feel eyes who were looking at him. His thoughts were about to going crazy when he heard a well-known, gentle voice.
I hope you liked this chapter.
I'm not sure with it.
Comments are ♥
& I'm really sorry for Ryo ~