FanFic: Forever Yours (Chapter 2)

Jun 11, 2008 20:35

Haha hi mina :D

I'm in a veeeeeeeeeeery good mood xD
May I'm writing a fairytale soon xD
Just look an entry below this you'll find an explanation xD
& wanted to say thanks 'cause your comments were so much love ~
Arigatou <3 !
I hope you'll like Chap 2 :D
Ah & i have a new OTP: RyoTegoKame xDD
But please note that RyoTego is ONE person xD
Gomen gomen i'm talking too much ^^

Today i ate a fortune cookie and there was the message inside:
'Best chances! You should use every oppurtunity.'
So i thought of updating ^^

Here we goooo :)


Title: Forever Yours (Chapter 2)
Rating: PG
Pairing: RyoTego, TegoMassu, hint of KoyaShige 
Summary: Tegoshi isn't fine ..
Ryo receives an important call ..
& Massu is very unhappy :(
Ano ~ it sounds kinda sad ne?
A/N: I changed the room number into 11 'cause my friend wanted it xD 
She also said that she feels the same as Ryo-chan .. (eh? what does he feel? xD)
& after reading it she pouted xD
But Ryo-chan! You got the right disease :DD

Forever Yours ..♡
            Chapter 2

* * Some time before * *

Massu walked down the corridor to the lounge. Slowly he opened the door because he didn’t want to wake Tegoshi up.
Massu entered quietly the room and gazed at the room. Tegoshi was on the sofa, his eyes closed. He seemed to be so peaceful. Massu stood there for some seconds and watched only his gently breathing. Then he closed the door and went into the room. He knew exactly that Tegoshi didn’t sleep. Massu was his best friend and he knew that Tegoshi always need some time to fall asleep. So Massu began to talk.

“Tegoshi, I spoke with Ryo just a few minutes ago. He said that he’s really sorry for his impolite behaviour. You know him, he can’t help it. But he said something about a call he got this morning. Do you know something about it?”

Tegoshi didn’t answer. Massu smiled. Tegoshi want to play the ‘I’m-already-asleep-game’? He talked louder.

“By the way, Tegoshi, how are you? Better?”, he turned around.
But Tegoshi didn’t show any movement.

Okay, then let’s play the game, thought Massu smiling and left the room. He walked again to the kitchen. On the way he listened on the door of the dress room but he couldn’t hear anything just like before. Ryo must be sitting in the room without anything to do. Massu couldn’t understand this. He walked on and reached the kitchen. He grabbed another glass and searched for tomato juice in the fridge. Yay! He’d found the last bottle. He poured the red juice into the glass and grinned. It was Tegoshi’s favourite drink.
The glass in his right hand he returned to the lounge. With a bang he put the glass onto the table and looked at Tegoshi.
Tegoshi is a good actor, he thought as Tegoshi still didn’t move.

“Tegoshi? I brought you tomato juice”, he chuckled. No reaction. Massu went behind the table and nudged Tegoshi in the back. He was about to say something but he couldn’t say a word as Tegoshi just fell from the sofa because of Massu’s soft nudge. Tegoshi’s arm bowled down the glass on the table before he hit the floor. The red juice flowed over the table and dripped softly to the ground. Massu was just shocked. But when the first drop fell onto his best friend he reacted and pulled Tegoshi with all his energy up. There wasn’t any time to think of what to do next. Tegoshi didn’t play a game. The situation was real. Too real.
Massu bore Tegoshi in his arms and without thinking he left the room with the young man.
He left the room behind.

* * * * *

Ryo walked to the wardrobe and searched for Massu’s mobile phone. It was in the inside pocket. He took it out. No messages. No missed calls. Damn!
Ryo tried to calm down. Although many people who didn’t know him thought that he was a cold person it was sometimes very helpful to look neutral at the things. He sat down at the sofa and looked around. He cleaned the room. He put Massu’s mobile phone on the table and and thought about what he should do next.

I can’t do anything more than waiting, Ryo decided and sat down on the sofa. It was a hard day for him. He lay down and closed his eyes. But after a few minutes he woke up by the sound of his mobile phone. Tegoshi! Without looking at the display he accepted quickly.

“Moshi moshi?”



“Oniisan, if you aren’t really stressed at work .. can you come here by any chance? I mean .. We’re all here, Ryo-chan, except you.”

“Ano .. I will try to come soon. Does it become worse?”

“Just come here. Please, Ryo-chan, please try to make it in time. I don’t want to talk so but I think you know just like me that you haven’t that much time to come here. So hurry up, oniisan. You’re important here. We need you.”

“Imouto ..”

Ryo was about to answer but he heard the ‘Click’ when his sister had hung up. He stared wordless at his phone before he hung up, too, and put it in his pocket. He tried again to rest a bit but there were so many thoughts in his mind that he just couldn’t.

What if I couldn’t make it in time? What should I do then? … But, I have my own life! And the next days there are performances with News. I can’t ignore them. That’s my job. But if I don’t show up … my family would never forgive me. I, myself, could never forgive me. But now I have to wait for Tegoshi. I don’t know what happened to him. What should I …

Ryo fell asleep over his exhausting thoughts.
While he was sleeping Koyama and Shige entered the room.

“Koyama, I tell you that I wasn’t the one who forgot the keys! I’m not as foolish as you are. How could you leave something that important in the lounge? We have to walk all the way back home again, you ..”

Koyama held his finger in front of Shige’s lips.

“Pssst, Shige. Look over there. Ryo is asleep. You don’t want to wake him up, do you?”, Koyama smiled artful. It was alright with him that Shige had to hold his tongue. Since he noticed that he had forgotten his keys and they had to return Shige was grumping all the time.

“Why do I have such bad luck?”, asked Shige in a whisper.

Koyama looked at him carefully. “What do you mean, Shige? I’m with you, shouldn’t you be happy?” He twinkled at his best friend.

“It’s such a bad luck that I borrowed you some of my DVDs. But if I don’t return them back today by myself they will never show up again.”

“Shige, you’re such a mean guy”, pouted Koyama with a sad look before he tried to sneak in the room. He slowly moved a stool and with a grin he picked up his keys and showed it to Shige. But his friend gave him just a nerved look and turned around.

“We’re good persons, Shige. Isn’t it really nice to keep silent for Ryo? He didn’t even notice that we showed up. We .. “

“It’s better that he haven’t noticed. He would have thought that we’re stupid. No, that you’re stupid. That’s nothing new. How could your key fell out of your pocket onto the ground and you noticed - nothing!?”, Shige asked still moping.

Koyama ignored his mood.

“Anyway, that’s what we can call ‘Member Ai’, ne? To pay attention to the others. Would you do that for me too, Shige?” He smiled lightly while they were walking down the corridor. Shige didn’t answer. He just stared into space. Koyama grabbed his hand.

“Eh? Koyama, what are you doing?”, said Shige in a rough accent and parted their hands quickly.

“Shige, you should look on the bright side, ne? Just try. It will make your life so much better instead of being always offended when something is not going according to your plan. With your attitude you’ll have a bad charisma and then you’ll never attract some girls. So you will end up as a lonely, old man who’ll blame others for your own mistakes. You want such a life? I mean, you’ll never get happy. I would, instead of you, be happy for ..”

Shige didn’t listen anymore.

* * * * *

Massu walked with fast steps into the building and took the stairs ‘cause the elevator was too slow for him. Thank goodness that he always continued with sport. In the second floor he went quick to the lounge, opened the door and walked in. He headed for the wardrobe and took his jacket.

Ryo heard someone step into the room and opened his eyes slowly. He was still a little dizzy ‘cause he had slept for some time. But he noticed Massu who picked up his jacket and was already again en route.

“Massu!”, he called while he straightened up. “Don’t forget you phone”, he said and reached for the mobile phone which he put on the table.

“Ah Ryo, gomen ne, I haven’t seen you. Why do you have my phone next to you?”, Massu asked confused.

“I tried to call you, Massu. So I noticed that your phone was in your jacket and I looked at it to get a clue where you are.”

“Sorry for not saying a thing. But I was in a rush. Tegoshi .. “

Massu looked around.

“By the way, Ryo, have you cleaned the room?”

“Not important, Massu. What happened to Tegoshi? I want to apologize myself like you said it but I was unable to find you two. I was really worried about Tegoshi. I mean, you haven’t said a word and I thought you were ..”

“Tegoshi is in the hospital”, interrupted Massu him.

“Eh? In the hospital? Dooshite!?” Ryo stood up.

“I still don’t know why. The doctors are checking him right now.”

“Massu? Can I come with you?”

“Let’s go”, said Massu and turned around. Ryo grabbed quickly his jacket and followed Massu through the room. He shut the door and both of them were fast walking out of the building.

“I don’t unterstand how this could happen. Just this morning he asked me to practice dancing with him. He seemed to feel rested and powerful. There wasn’t any sign that he didn’t felt well. I haven’t a clue what had happened to him!”

Ryo spoke more to himself than to Massu.

The hospital was only fifteen minutes away. They reached it fast.
Ryo entered the entrance and headed for the reception. He was short of breath but he was polite as always.

“Miss, could you please tell me where Tegoshi Yuya has his room?”

Massu noticed the fake smile on Ryo’s face and grinned too. Ryo was also a good actor.

“Number 11, third floor. But please remember: The visiting time ends at 20.00 o’clock.”

Ryo threw a glance at his watch. 19.30.

“Thank you, Miss!”, he answered while he was already turning around to the stairs.
“Massu? Come on!”

They reached the third floor at the same time and searched for number 11. After they found it Ryo knocked slowly and opened the door. He looked quickly into the room and entered. Tegoshi’s bed was next to some big windows at the end of the chamber. Tegoshi lay in his bed with his eyes closed. Massu and Ryo stood some time reclined on the window sill and just watched Tegoshi closely.

The door opened again and one of the doctors came in.
“Alright, you’re here. So, we checked Tegoshi-san. I can give no account of it but it seems as if Tegoshi-san took a wrong medicament. Otherwise I couldn’t explain the situation.”

“That couldn’t ..”, began Massu but stopped.

Wait, said his mind. The situation when he was in the kitchen with Tegoshi flashed back. He remembered exactly the package from the tablets.

“Ryo? Do you know the different medicaments in the kitchen?”

“Sure”, answered Ryo with an expectant look.

“The package with the blue stripe … it’s against headache, right?”

“Ano - I couldn’t tell .. Matte. That was the medicament for me when I had mononucleosis.”

“Kissing disease!? I thought .. Doctor, I gave that to Tegoshi ‘cause he mentioned his headache.”

“Then we have a reason for his unconsciousness. Some people can’t tolerate this medicament. Tegoshi-san seems to be one of them. Let’s see how he is doing tomorrow.”

The doctor left the room.

Massu and Ryo kept on silent for a while. Then Massu dropped himself on the next chair.

“It’s my fault. It’s my fault that Tegoshi is here and can’t do anything. I’m bad. Why haven’t I read properly the package? Just why? Tegoshi can’t tolerate the medicament. He’s doing bad. He lost his consciousness. I can’t take it.”

Ryo knew that he had to say some words to cheer Massu up. But he can’t.


Sad ending, ne? ~
Uwaah Ryo-chan! Cheer Massu up!
My friend said she wants to be Ryo's sister xD
gomen gomen for talking so long :D
I finally posted it ^^
Hope you'll like it!

Comments are love & appreciated :)

nishikido ryo, fanfic, koyashige, ryotego, tegomass, tegoshi yuya

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