FanFic: Forever Yours (Chapter 3)

Jun 29, 2008 22:30

Hey mina ~
Sorry, I took a long time to update, ne?
I wanted to update since a long time but
I was kind of busy :)
I don't know what my next chapter looks like ..
Because currently I'm watching Last Friends ~
& I don't like Ryo-chan at the moment x__x
I hope he won't get aggressive ..
Anyway, this chapter is quite happy I think :)
I hope you enjoy it ne?
I'm a little sad right now ~
Because I read the story of a friend 
& cried so much.
& because Germany lost in soccer just now.
But also, I'm a bit happy ^^
Because I just answered comments from

yuyako16 &
hotarumyst :)

Author: cherrylady6
Title: Forever Yours (Chapter 3)
Rating: PG
Pairing: RyoTego, TegoMassu, hinted KoyaShige
Summary: Ryo spends a night with Tegoshi. Tegoshi reads a message he shouldn't read.

A/N: In contrast to my chapters before this one ends kind of happy. 
I hope I didn't suck at this ~ 
Enjoy reading, okay? :)

Forever Yours ..♡
            Chapter 3

„Ryo? I’ll go home. I will have a rest. Take care of Tegoshi”, said Massu and left the room.

Ryo still couldn’t say a word. He just looked after his bandmate. Then he moved the chair next to Tegoshi’s bed and sat down. He glanced again at his watch. 19.42.

“Tegonyan? You have to wake up fast ‘cause I have to leave at 20.00 o’clock”, he said with a light smile.

“I’m serious”, he added. “You just took the wrong medicine. So don’t play the weak guy and recover soon. We need you, ne? The day after tomorrow, you know, our performance? You have to be there. I promise to practice with you.”

Ryo’s eyes were directed at Tegoshi.

“If you don’t wake up in the next ten minutes, I’ll get a glass of cold water for you. Really, Tegoshi! Don’t treat it lightly.”

No reaction.

His mobile phone vibrated. Quickly he pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the display.

“Ryo-chan, are you going to come? Have you decided?”

Ryo sighed. Then he put his phone on the bed table and turned again towards Tegoshi.

“Tegonyan, actually I’m here to apologize for my behaviour this morning. I’m really sorry. You know me, ne? Now you should wake up because I’m not going to apologize a second time. I never will, you heard?”

Ryo spoke with the most soft voice he had.

“Tegonyan .. I can hear your heart.”

He lay his head down on Tegoshi’s chest. He closed his eyes and listened to the rhythm.

“I can hear it, Tegoshi. I can hear it .. “

Ryo fell asleep with the slow rhythm of Tegoshi’s heart. His face was relaxed and he looked happy. But while he was sleeping, a single tear ran down his face.

* *

At 20.05 a nurse entered to look for any visitors ‘cause they had to go now. She was surprised about the situation but then she left the room with a smile. And she saved the picture in her mind.
* *

Tegoshi woke up and looked confused at the clock next to his bed. It was completely dark around him except the slight moonlight. The digital figures shone 03.23. It seemed as he couldn’t move his legs. He tried to stretch one of his legs as he noticed that someone lay on him. Tegoshi got frightened for a moment before he calmed himself down. His eyes got slowly used to the darkness. He identified black hair ‘cause the moonlight was shining straight on them.

Nishikido-kun!, he recognized. Why was Ryo here? Nobody else but Ryo? That couldn’t be possible. Tegoshi looked around but he couldn’t see anyone. The chairs were empty and even the bed to his right side was blank. While he was looking around he noticed from the corner of his eye a bright light. He turned his head around and searched for the cause of the light. A mobile phone! Without thinking Tegoshi grabbed it because he believed it was his phone. He opened the message and read.

“Ryo, just wanted to tell you that otousan is now here, too. Come as time permits. Kiss”

Tegoshi realized a few moments later that it was Ryo’s mobile phone. He felt embarrassed and put the phone quickly back. What did the message mean? Tegoshi didn’t understand. It was an unknown addresser. Tegoshi thought long about the message before he watched Ryo who was slowly breathing. Tegoshi could feel how his body moved up and down.

He talked about a call. A call from who? Poor Ryo … What have you got for problems? Why do you try to figure them out by yourself instead of talking with one of us? Doesn’t he trust me enough? Is there a reason why he can’t talk to me?

While Tegoshi was thinking about his relationship to Ryo, he fell slowly asleep.

* * * * *

The sun was shining bright as Massu entered the room. He was about to greet Tegoshi but as he picked up the situation he kept silent. Ryo slept on Tegoshi’s chest while Tegoshi was also asleep. Massu sneaked through the room and sat down on a chair. While he rested there for a while and looked out of the big window Tegoshi opened his eyes.

“Ohayo gozaimasu”, he whispered smiling and Massu returned quickly after he realized that his best friend was awake.

“Are you better, Tegoshi?”, he asked and watched at him closely.

“Yeah, I’m great, thanks Massu”, answered the young man. “What a beautiful morning, isn’t it?” He sighed. “I haven’t any time to watch the bright sunlight for some time lately.”

“So, it’s great for you to lie in here?”, Massu laughed quietly.

“Not bad”, grinned Tegoshi and looked at Massu. “Massu, can you tell me what happened? I don’t know anything about what had happened after I rested on the sofa. It’s terrible to be in ignorance.”

Massu waited a moment before he answered.
“Tegoshi, you know, the medicine I gave you as you complained about your headache? I .. ano .. I took the wrong package of medicine and so you ingested the medicament for mononucleosis. You remember? Ryo had it some time before. We were all so worried about him ‘cause he looked so ill. It’s still in the cupboard in the kitchen. The doctor told me that your body can’t tolerate the active agents. That’s why you’ve lost your consciousness and ended up in this bed.”

Massu looked sad on the ground. It’s all my fault, he thought.

“Massu? Don’t worry”, said Tegoshi.

Massu smiled lightly. Tegoshi said it as always. And Massu could hear the honesty in those words.

“Tegoshi, I think I …”

“OHAYO!”, shouted Koyama as he entered the room with Shige and Yamapi. “We’re all here! Tegoshi, how are you? We brought you ..”

Koyama stopped as his look met Ryo’s eyes. From his call Ryo was woken up. He had dark circles around the eyes and ‘cause he wasn’t smiling or looking friendly anyway he just looked as unfriendly as he never had. Koyama was just shocked.

“Eh, Ryo? Are you okay?”, he asked.

“Koyama, you should be worried about Tegoshi-kun, ne?”, rebuked Yamapi Koyama and slapped him softly on the back.

“Ryo, you are not good-looking.”

“Thank you, Pi”, returned Ryo with a very fake smile.

Koyama’s look spoke volumes. Why is Yamashita-kun allowed to worry about Ryo but I’m not?, he asked himself. His eyes were searching for Shige to protect him but he just sat on the empty bed and looked around.

“How are you, Tegonyan?”, repeated Ryo the question and looked expectant at Tegoshi.

“Very well, Nishikido-kun, thank you for your concern”, answered Tegoshi more than polite.

“Ah, what I wanted to say before I saw the killer look of Ryo”, Koyama glanced grinning at the man with the dark circles around the eyes. “Tegoshi, we brought you some cake. I made it myself.”

“Eh, you bought it at the bakery!”, said Shige astonished.

“Shige!”, Koyama looked angrily at him.

“Koyama-kun, a bought cake is also very great”, mediated Tegoshi with a smile. “But I can’t see it anywhere. You hide it somewhere, right?”

“Koyama? You brought it up here, don’t you?”, asked Yamapi mistrustful.

“Eh, but I thought .. you brought ..”

“KOYAMA!”, Shige stood up. “You are the most stupid person I ever met! How could you forget a cake?”

“Guys, calm down. Tegoshi will get food from the hospital and I heard that it’s great. Although I have to agree with Shige. How could someone forget a cake?”, laughed Ryo.

“Ryo, can I say something?”, Yamapi asked.

“Just do.”

“You really look similar to a ghost.”

Tegoshi couldn’t help but giggled.

“Eh, Tegoshi? You make fun about me?”, complained Ryo and looked poutful.

Before Tegoshi could answer the doctor came in.

“Wow, full house? Tegoshi-kun, just wanted to say that you can leave now. Your data are okay. Please feel free to move out.”

The doctor had barely closed the door as Koyama shouted: “Let’s go to eat cake! What do you think?” He looked happy around.

Nobody answered.

“Ne, Tegoshi, how about eating cake all together?”, asked Ryo grinning.

“Sounds great, Nishikido-kun”, answered Tegoshi while he was climbing out of his bed.

“Nobody’s listening to me”, Koyama was upset.

Shige smiled. It was just like always. But Koyama didn’t notice. He embraced Koyama, looked him in the eyes and said: “I’m always listening to you.”

“Kawaii!”, declared Yamapi with a big grin.

“Shut up”, answered Shige while he turned towards the door.

“Your mobile phone, Nishikido-kun”, Tegoshi handed the phone to Ryo.

“Arigato, Tegonyan”, he smiled while he put it in his pocket.

Tegoshi’s thoughts of the last night came back. The message ..

“Hurry up! After eating cake together we should go back to work”, said Yamapi while he held the door open.
All of them went together out of the hospital.

“Whoa, what a sunny day!”, said Tegoshi. “So great! Let’s search something to eat outside!”

After a while they found a little and smart café.

“Let’s stay in here”, commanded Yamapi and walked to one of the tables.

After they had ordered the waitress brought quickly their cakes.

“Hm, the strawberries are tasting great”, announced Tegoshi while he was eating.

“Let me see, Tegonyan”, said Ryo and stole one of the fruits.

“Eh, Nishikido-kun, I ordered the cake!”, complained Tegoshi with a smile.

“It was just one stra ..”, he stopped. “No, these damn birds!”

He was trying to wipe the dirt of a bird from his T-shirt.

“That’s the punishment!”, Yamapi laughed. “Ryo? With that look on the face, with the circles under your eyes and with the dirt on your shirt - believe me, now you really look like a ghost!”

Comments are love like always :)
I hope you enjoyed reading it!
I liked the ending really much :)
Ahaha, RyoPi xD

nishikido ryo, fanfic, koyashige, news, ryotego, tegomass, tegoshi yuya

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