
Sep 07, 2014 18:33

Well, look who was feeling official and productive enough to make a masterlist. That’s right. ME.

Organized alphabetically by my favorite version of the ship name.

Nothing On You
Baekhyun/Kyungsoo | PG-13 | 6,000 words | Canon
Inspired by this. Also, this.

It’s All in the Eyes
Baekhyun/Chanyeol | PG-13 | 9,375 words | AU
Chanyeol is just trying to run his museum without any help from Mr. Stuck-Up Byun Baekhyun. Unfortunately, that might be too much to ask for.

By Any Other Name
Chanyeol/Kyungsoo | NC-17 | 2,264 words | Canon
Chanyeol hates wearing clothes with his name on the back.

Boy, can I be what you like
Chanyeol/Kyungsoo | NC-17 | 10k words | sort of College!AU
Chanyeol has to compose a whole song by the end of the semester for his music composition class. He has a bunch of melodies and beats stored on his laptop, but no decent lyrics to pair them up with. That is, until he stumbles around the city one day and finds his muse.

Let Me Tell You About Silence
Sehun/Luhan | NC-17 | 23k words | AU
Sehun has never been able to get everyone else out of his head. This still doesn’t seem to explain how Luhan’s managed to expand until he fills all the space that’s left.

Nothing Left But Altitude
Kai/Kyungsoo | PG-13 | 31k words | AU
Kyungsoo knows exactly who he is, what he stands for, and how much he’s lost. Or, at least, he did.

Off to the Races
Kai/Kyungsoo | NC-17 | 23k words | AU
It’s not that Kyungsoo’s never lost a patient before.

Variations on a Love Song
Kai/Kyungsoo (side Kris/Chanyeol) | NC-17 | 9,800 words | College!AU
Kyungsoo is kind of, sort of, slightly, probably, mostly, head over heels in love.

Kai/Chanyeol | very soft R | 17k words | High school!AU
It’s a horrible cliché, but that doesn’t stop Jongin from wanting.

Blue is Concentric Motion
Sehun/Kai | R | 14,336 words | AU
Jongin only loves two things: the ocean and Oh Sehun. And he’s still not sure how one of those ended up happening.

I Should Always Have My Tea
Sehun/Kai | PG-13 | 11,642 words | College!AU
Sehun doesn’t care about anyone but himself and Jongin somehow still finds him attractive.

Sehun/Kai | NC-17 | 10,301 words | AU
Jongin is invisible and Sehun is unforgettable.

And the Truth Shall Make You Free
Suho/Chen | PG-13 | 25k words | Spy!AU
Jongdae’s spent a lifetime running from the truth but something about Junmyeon makes him want to stop running.

To Fight with Honor
Suho/Chen | PG-13 | 17k words | AU
Jongdae is a dashing jousting champion set on winning his next tournament in the Kingdom of Kims. There, he meets Prince Junmyeon, and makes a bet with him that threatens to make Jongdae’s life a bit more exciting than he’d expected.

All Your Life
Suho/Kyungsoo | NC-17 | 4,900 words | AU
No one really understands how they work, but that doesn't make it any less perfect.

Liminal Space
Suho/Kai | NC-17 | 6,750 words | AU
Junmyeon is fifteen years old the first time he wants to kill someone.

Ain’t It Fun
Tao/Sehun | NC-17 | 3,100 words | AU
Sehun just knew this threesome was a bad idea, he knew it, he knew it, he…okay, well, maybe not all bad.

For All the Stars in the Sky
Xiumin/Baekhyun (side Yixing/Luhan) | PG-13 | 4,993 words | Canon
Minseok isn’t quite sure what it means to fall in love.

EXO-M OT6 (Xiumin/Luhan) | PG-13 | 5,704 words | Canon (but crack)
Everyone’s seen Minseok’s dick except Luhan. This is unacceptable.

Addicted to You
Xiumin/Luhan | NC-17 | 11,000 words | Bonnie&Clyde!AU
Because the road is dark and cold and icy and what fun is it to risk your life alone when you can do it together?


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